As you said there, the study needs to be verified and is atm inconclusive as is....I am holding out hope they will find it(Remdevisir) to be still somewhat effective for some(crosses fingers).
francksteel: HCQ more dangerous than useful (at least when used late, as you know, I also doubt it's useful used early): Likely anecdotal, but didn't Tom Hanks or his wife use it and recover?
Also MANY drugs and treatments are dangerous if implemented the wrong way.....ever see what chemotherapy patients get?
francksteel: Way less people infected in France than hoped (in english) : And MANY other experts are saying now that MANY MORE than we think are already infected, and the mortality rates are even lower than we think(I will be posting an expert source on this along with a video in a bit).
pkk234: More stores are closing, but since it's a voluntary lockdown some stores have stayed open.
Extremely short sighted by those companies opting to stay open.
Well businesses need to be open so employees can work and not need to rely on handouts(food/money).
Also some studies(iirc) have shown that such lockdowns very likely only mitigate the amount of deaths by a negligible amount, and than social distancing/masks/etc do enough on their own.
pkk234: Also I guess some people still think it doesn't affect under 50s, so people still out n about. Less than usual overall, but with schools closed paired with arrogance/misinformed, youngins seem carefree.
Well it does affect those under 50, but a very small percentage of them end up needing medical treatment usually due to the illness(I think around 80% or more of all hospitalizations are those over 50).
(This is partially why I think we should isolate the elderly and the vulnerable for a month or more, and not everyone)