MadyNora: - afaik you can die, which is something I absolutely hate in pont and click games. Are those death scenes annoyingly frequent/obscure, or can they be avoided with common sense?
I played the original when it was released and I recently played through the 20th anniversary remake.
During the whole playthrough, I only encountered 2 puzzles where I actually died. One of them taught me really quickly that I just didn't have the correct items for the solution yet. The other one was annoying.
MadyNora: - It's tagged as horror, and I don't like horror. Spooky is ok, but gore/jumpscare/hide from monsters is not. What type of "horror" this game has?
It's a mature, voodoo themed story with a few bloody/gory scenes (pictures of the voodoo murders, mostly). No jump scares or anything.
MadyNora: - Do I need the sequels to understand the story?
No, it's a separate, complete story. It does open the possibility of a sequel, but it's not split into acts or episodes.
MadyNora: So... can anyone recommend me this game? :)
To summarize; If you can stand one annoying scene that requires you to (basically) click quickly in the correct spot (as opposed to the standard adventure-y puzzle solution), go for it. It's a really well-written adventure (for it's time) and I enjoyed it a lot.
-edit- and in the time it took me to type this, Leroux basically said exactly the same thing, only much quicker :)
Oh, and of course, if you buy enough other games, you get the 20th Anniversary edition for free :)