Treasure: Actually, very few people are observing this nowadays, and mostly elderly ones at that. I personally had milk and meat even today, even though its just a day before the holy week -in my family we're only fasting on Holy Thursday and Friday. I'm thinking of fasting sometime in the future just to see how it goes, I'll see when I'll come around to it...
chadjenofsky: Good luck! It sounds like you need a great deal of discipline to get through it.
Some of my elder relatives still practice it, but it's another one of those things that are slowly disappearing; more used to when I was a kid from what I remember.
In my family we usually only fast on Holy Friday (or both of them). And incidentally, while I love Middle Eastern/Mediterranean cuisine, the lent (meatless, dairy-less, somethingelseless) versions of the dishes (e.g.
, [url=]yabrak) I strongly hate. I'd rather eat something that didn't come with meat in the first place.
HunchBluntley: Happy Easter, Eastern peoples! ;P
Hunter65536: happy orthodox easter to you all!
Just to be clear: Easter is actually next week (thanks for the wishes though!).