Posted April 07, 2016
Emob78: Haven't seen it. Just gonna take out the old crystal ball and do some predictions.
Strong female lead?
Wise all-powerful black or Asian jedi/leader who dispenses great knowledge about... something.
Death Star 7.1.
Traditional John Williams Star Wars tunes that tries to evoke emotion and energy that died out 25 years ago.
Fast smash cuts used in order to keep boredom from setting in with the 7-21 demographic.
Oh, and big explosion, title appearance... release date... fade out...
How'd I do?
Breja: Still not nearly as predictable as your "did not see, know it sukz" trolling. You need a new thing to troll about. Maybe something about fashion? Or food? I don't know, something. Strong female lead?
Wise all-powerful black or Asian jedi/leader who dispenses great knowledge about... something.
Death Star 7.1.
Traditional John Williams Star Wars tunes that tries to evoke emotion and energy that died out 25 years ago.
Fast smash cuts used in order to keep boredom from setting in with the 7-21 demographic.
Oh, and big explosion, title appearance... release date... fade out...
How'd I do?