theslitherydeee: Pretty good trailer but that imperial alarm played over and over like music was grating.
Agreed. I get what they were going for, I think, trying to give it a sense of urgency, but it doesn't exactly make me want to watch it over and over, like some really good trailers do.
theslitherydeee: Though quite a few people in the comments section seem to be despairing about another female lead, I don't care who the protagonist is as long as they can act out the story.
I really don't get why would anyone care one way or the other about the main character's gender. The important thing is whether she can carry the movie. That's a big unknown, but she made a much better impression on me here then Blandy Whatsherface as Rey.
theslitherydeee: Hopefully this marks the new films finding their own feet instead of leaning on references to old ones.
That's probably the best thing about this teaser- except for the "nostalgic piano" as someone nicely called it, it's not as forcibly nostalgic as the trailer for Force Awakens were. And there isn't really a Star Wars movie like this to rip-off, so unless they outsourced their plagiarising, this will have to be something of it's own.
Unless it turns out they steal the plans in the first five minutes and hide them in a droid just as the Empire attacks them on/above some desert planet...