Posted June 21, 2019

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted June 21, 2019
It's been what, nearly 75 posts since my last post? Are we still just faffing about, or are people starting to solidify? The latest vote count and a quick vote check shows that the leading wagon has 3 votes and a whole bunch of wagons have 2 votes, so I guess we're still faffing about.
Probably less than 24 hours to deadline, people. Time to actually make some decisions.
Probably less than 24 hours to deadline, people. Time to actually make some decisions.

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted June 21, 2019

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted June 21, 2019
@flub, would you lynch anyone other than GR? I'm not proposing an alternative but asking for your conviction on this.

Grog'tial | half-dwarf, dual-bolt crossbow
Registered: Dec 2013
From Netherlands
Posted June 21, 2019

I'm gonna say... Microfish, Carr and SirPrimalform.
Poor, poor Joe, left all alone without a scumbuddy at the start of D2! It's a good thing that you still have your little brother who understands your plight!

A town full roleblocker only requires a single B to be rolled out of 7 dice. Vig needs VV, Cop needs CC. The chance for either of those is smaller than the chance for B.
That means that for full roles, doctor (and innocent child) are likeliest, then roleblocker, then cop, then vig.
What scum claims, has no bearing on the roles town has. Only that single B is necessary for town to have a full roleblocker (and thus 'counterclaim' scum), regardless of what scum is claiming.

Could you reiterate for each of these why not?

The short answer is that these people are feeling the least scummy of the bunch and look like they are trying to figure the game out even though not everyone shares the same opinions (or mine in some cases) but that is only natural considering we are not the same person.
The last time you gave anything resembling a read on Joe was during the blotunga wagon analysis:

I'll go check your D1 posts now.

Grog'tial | half-dwarf, dual-bolt crossbow
Registered: Dec 2013
From Netherlands
Posted June 21, 2019

The only "concerns and feelings" dedo ever shared on this subject before that point was this post:

I'm not sure if that made any sense...
Also #JoeIsSexyAF.
Ah, and here we finally have a D1 read which mentions the four people in question:

Pooka and flub a notch down but also make me feel better than most others. Leaning Town.
Sorry for the whiplash my voting behaviour might be giving anyone. I think it likely that if dedo has a partner, it'll be Joe. But dedo I find much more certain now:
vote dedo

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted June 21, 2019
Vote Count
(When you see a vote count please quickly make sure your vote is against the correct player. Let me know if it's not)
GameRager 3 - Bookwyrm, Pooka, flub
scene 2 - Micro, GameRager
flub 1 - trent
JoeSapphire 1 - scene
dedo 1 - gogtrial
Everyone else - 0
Not voting: JoeSapphire, dedoporno
10 players left. It takes 6 to lynch.
I'm landing 7 pm UTC tomorrow, and since I'd rather be packing and having a nice Saturday before I leave, without worrying about Mafia, I'm not going to end it before that. So Day will end 7pm + howevermuch it takes me to drive to my place and get to my laptop.
Or you know, you could all go with a nice "Surprise! We hammered!" to greet me when I land.
(When you see a vote count please quickly make sure your vote is against the correct player. Let me know if it's not)
GameRager 3 - Bookwyrm, Pooka, flub
scene 2 - Micro, GameRager
flub 1 - trent
JoeSapphire 1 - scene
dedo 1 - gogtrial
Everyone else - 0
Not voting: JoeSapphire, dedoporno
10 players left. It takes 6 to lynch.
I'm landing 7 pm UTC tomorrow, and since I'd rather be packing and having a nice Saturday before I leave, without worrying about Mafia, I'm not going to end it before that. So Day will end 7pm + howevermuch it takes me to drive to my place and get to my laptop.
Or you know, you could all go with a nice "Surprise! We hammered!" to greet me when I land.

Grog'tial | half-dwarf, dual-bolt crossbow
Registered: Dec 2013
From Netherlands

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted June 21, 2019

I don't see the merit in repeating the same thing over and over again unless there is a notable change that needs to be pointed out.
On both days I've been agreeing with thoughts and opinions from the people on that list or I in some cases when we wouldn't agree I would see be able to make some sense trying to look from their perspective.
You happen to be one I believe is making most sense, take that in whatever way you like.
Wyrm's general behavior seems to come from Town's mindset and things he has brought up about the game make more sense on that side of things.
Pooka also seems to be trying to figure the game out and even though in some cases we seem to see things differently my general feeling about him is positive.
I told Joe himself that I prefer to consider him as Town when he asked if I think his lynch would be a mislynch when GR was ready to vote for him. He felt different before when he was scum.
I don't know what else you expect but that's what I have to offer.
Also, I can't say I appreciate the fact that you are painting my original stance on blotunga as piggybacking just because I wasn't on it first. Do I have to apologize about joining the game almost 3 days after it started and things had already happened?

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted June 21, 2019

I am amused. :)

>If flub is town, Trenton shall fall to George Washington (or the British, whichever) in a hurry.

Also, have you considered who SPF interacted with in a pro-active manner, as opposed to only a reactive manner? Were there players that SPF addressed only because they addressed him first? That question goes for both this game and the other game.

Take the cap off the bottle, throw it away and don't stop until it's all gone.
I'm currently amusing myself by imagining you as a 15 year old girl pretending to be some wildly drunk, cranky old dude.


I think I missed that. Where?
No. But thanks for making ZFR twitch. :)
My math and method matched gogtrial, so yay.
Hey Dedo, we've talked a fair bit here on D2. I have a question for you.
Do you have a trap in mind?

I'm not a duck
Registered: Dec 2017
From United States
Posted June 22, 2019


A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted June 22, 2019

In the interest of fairness, dedo, I went through your posts at speed, so it's possible I missed more. It's even possible I missed enough that I'll have to conclude that I'm wrong here. If I did, I would greatly appreciate it if you could point it out to me.
The only thing that actually made me pump the breaks a few posts ago was the quick shift in flubs vote back and forth based on what I wrote about the claim and counter-claim (which wasn't even meant as a major point by the way, just another small thing that I thought about and decided to share, but it was blown out of proportion anyway).
Nothing pro-active, unfortunately.

I'm not a duck
Registered: Dec 2017
From United States
Posted June 22, 2019

I'm going on record that GameRager is scum. I will be mocking with pelvic thrusts when I'm proven right.
Unvote: GameRager

Would they have the nerve to do that? Absolutely.
Would they actually do it? I'd like to believe so but I'm struggling.
unvote flubbucket
A bold statement ... for such uncertain logic... How much can be read into the people that didn't interact with SirP?
This is 1/2 of the "Unbeatable duo" or some such from last game; he certainly has guts to do it, and I think his read on flub also having guts enough is correct.

Isn't this basically what GameRager suggested doing with Scene and JoeSapphire?
2) In a word, No--he voted for that theory. I am not voting for Flub; merely speculating and theorizing. My vote is still on scene, who I barely still find scummiest.

Also, have you considered who SPF interacted with in a pro-active manner, as opposed to only a reactive manner? Were there players that SPF addressed only because they addressed him first? That question goes for both this game and the other game.
You know that old adage about "I'm not a 15 year old girl, but I play one on the internet"?
I'm currently amusing myself by imagining you as a 15 year old girl pretending to be some wildly drunk, cranky old dude.
One certainly wonders. So, who would you vote for if you had to leave your current vote? How certain are you of it? Or aren't you? Town-you certainly does want to buy everyone lunch; how much of this is "lets eliminate everyone and see what happens," how much is based on "willing to vote at the slightest provocation"?
Since you've done all this math, and there's a decent chance there is a t!rb, if it isn't GR, would you encourage them to step up or not? If so, when? why?
Ugh, mosquitoes.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted June 22, 2019

I even think it's a good Town move to actually not claim until L1 when you have an important role.
It makes me think you're desperate Mafia rather than Town making some very bad mistakes.
Also your analysis of me as your Scum suspect is the most shallow analysis in the game.

And yes i've put myself at risk, but I don't want the game to lose such an important role and would rather save it this way and put myself at risk via scum focus/targetting than stay silent and get lynched(and cause my fellow town to lose that advantage).
Also if I do get lynched(I hope I don't for the reasons i've stated so far and because I like playing/reading/etc) I suggest the remaining town look closely at my wagon...especially after the reveal I just made.

Also you want to block me on night 2 despite supposedly knowing that. Does that make sense?
Who else would you block if I got lynched?
As for my analysis of you: That's just how I play(again).....I have trouble as some do remembering huge amount of min or details and keep tabs on what seems most suspect to me along with some major details of player's posts/interactions/etc.
2. That is all true and you are not my primary role block choice for who i'd pick if not you: It'd likely be someone on my current wagon or maybe Flub for their odd playstyle/etc.

- GameRager: Top of my lynch list. His strange play especially voting a player on the pretense that another player - who he believes to be scummy - thinks they are scum. The roleblocker claim and the fact they claimed to have role blocked scene, who claimed vanilla town, does look very suspect.
Yes, it is 1PM and I need to sleep now. Don't be like me!
As for my actions: I checked into finding my past games but as others said the forum search is trash and I don't remember the games I played in(but I do know how I played in general and that I was town doctor in one). Do I contact a mafia admin user for such info? Is that allowed while playing a current mafia game?
2. The funny thing is others here have stated it would be ok to lynch fellow town for various reasons INCLUDING to read thier wagons the next "day", yet when I use it as a tactic it's suddenly more suspect?
As for scene's claim: I skimmed(to my detriment) and didn't see that when I picked him as a block target last "night".
(Hope you got some sleep, at any rate.....I full well know the effects of not going with enough sleep)

9If I DID say that could someone point the post out to me? Thanks)

As for the game, I still say GameRager is a bad lynch. I see dedo also hinted I might be a cop but that's not the case, and I wish I could say I was as I would have something to do other than just read and post. No my reason for saying GameRager is a bad lynch is because I believe him. I still say flub is the best choice for lynch, but I sadly don't think that will happen today. If I end up being NK'd look at flub and possibly dedo for the scum team.

I'm going on record that GameRager is scum. I will be mocking with pelvic thrusts when I'm proven right.
Unvote: GameRager
Also, why did you choose JoeSapphire so readily in Post 637?
Why vote for me this late into the "day" when others have dropped off the wagon? Why didn't you do it back when I was very close to lynch? Just curious.

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted June 22, 2019