Posted November 14, 2018

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted November 14, 2018

But we had several players fairly close in vote count and we were deep in Phase 2. I'm willing to risk lynching a townie, because that's just what we do - especially day one. I'm not willing to accidentally risk lynching two townies because we can't make a decision and then have a night kill on top of that. So no, I was not about to start moving my vote.
On that note, before we do hit Phase Two
Vote HSL

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted November 14, 2018

But we had several players fairly close in vote count and we were deep in Phase 2. I'm willing to risk lynching a townie, because that's just what we do - especially day one. I'm not willing to accidentally risk lynching two townies because we can't make a decision and then have a night kill on top of that. So no, I was not about to start moving my vote.

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted November 14, 2018

Definitely. It's all in the intonation.
Seriously though, yes there's a difference.
"Heh" is simply "hey, look at that."
"Hrm" is "I don't like that much."

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada

Wandering fruit
Registered: Apr 2012
From Spain
Posted November 14, 2018
Sorry people, I've had a fairly busy couple of days from which my mind ended up exhausted and I haven't been keeping up with the game. I'll see if I can catch up later today, or more probably tomorrow morning while I'm waiting for the business call in question.
to think I posted early to kid around and I don't even have the presence of mind to do just that... my apologies.
to think I posted early to kid around and I don't even have the presence of mind to do just that... my apologies.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted November 14, 2018

@flubb - do you know what I'm referring to when I say paranoid Ixam? Do you get that sense or do you think it's applicable to scum!Ixam. I'm asking you specifically due to what I remember from the all-mafia game.
And for the record, I see you and bler144 buddying like the mutual admiration society.

Wandering fruit
Registered: Apr 2012
From Spain
Posted November 15, 2018
Ok, I'm going to try and catch up now. Again, apologies for my absence.
muddysneakers: No, I have not applied much heat to flub. I'm just surprised no one else has either. My attentions are more focused on agent right now but flub is definitely 2nd. No one else has? I'm voting for flub.
Ok, got it. Still, it's the only thing I've done "today", so please notice me, sempai.
agentcarr16: 1. I don't like how convenient this all was for P1na.
Vanilla Town is a better lynch than Neutral? We have to disagree there, I do like it when it's convenient for, well, me. It's quite convenient.
Thank you!
ZFR: The late comers were agent, myself and P1na. Note that the final daily vote count is misleading: agent's vote was the fifth on Joe, since when he voted I was on Joe too before hopping back and forth. His vote made it 5-3 to Joe vs me.
You can disregard me, I was in possibility of being co-lynched so I had personal self-preservation interest in voting for Joe. But wouldn't you say then that if I'm Town (I know I am) and if Joe is Town (we all now he is) then that would make agent and P1na Town too? There was no reason for them to make Joe's wagon move further away from me thus diminishing the probability that 2 townies get lynched.
The only counter-argument I can see is either scum!P1na or scum!agent making a mistake and voting Joe because why not vote on the townie wagon, without thinking it through. Not thinking it through does sound like me, actually. But, maybe I'm a master manipulator that wants you to think that! In the end, even if I talk against myself, doing stuff that goes agaisnt what mafia would do so you aren't suspected as mafia should be a rather basic move on this game, no? Still, I personally never felt you were in real danger of getting lynched yesterday. I may quite feel the pressure when switching my vote to make a wagon stand out, like with SPF earlier; but your votes barely rivaled Joe's and that's counting my own joke one.
I like reading your theory because it theorizes about what I must have been thinking, and since I know a thing or two about the topic, it helps me read you. Too tired to make any concrete theories about what it means, but I do feel like you're a bit overly paranoid about that double lynch.
Anyway, I caught up. Not much to say though, I think I'll stick with my vote for the time being, as I don't feel the situation changed much on that front. I will make the effort to answer if I'm quoted at least. I have an important work meeting tomorrow and hopefully things will calm down a bit after that.
Also, I seem to have caused a very town impression. I'm kinda happy with that, but please someone pretend to suspect me. I have the impression that being the towniest would get me nightkilled by mafia.
Oh no, my chastity!!

Ok, got it. Still, it's the only thing I've done "today", so please notice me, sempai.

Vanilla Town is a better lynch than Neutral?
Thank you!

You can disregard me, I was in possibility of being co-lynched so I had personal self-preservation interest in voting for Joe. But wouldn't you say then that if I'm Town (I know I am) and if Joe is Town (we all now he is) then that would make agent and P1na Town too? There was no reason for them to make Joe's wagon move further away from me thus diminishing the probability that 2 townies get lynched.
The only counter-argument I can see is either scum!P1na or scum!agent making a mistake and voting Joe because why not vote on the townie wagon, without thinking it through.
I like reading your theory because it theorizes about what I must have been thinking, and since I know a thing or two about the topic, it helps me read you. Too tired to make any concrete theories about what it means, but I do feel like you're a bit overly paranoid about that double lynch.
Anyway, I caught up. Not much to say though, I think I'll stick with my vote for the time being, as I don't feel the situation changed much on that front. I will make the effort to answer if I'm quoted at least. I have an important work meeting tomorrow and hopefully things will calm down a bit after that.
Also, I seem to have caused a very town impression. I'm kinda happy with that, but please someone pretend to suspect me. I have the impression that being the towniest would get me nightkilled by mafia.
Oh no, my chastity!!

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted November 15, 2018

Unless I'm missing something, one point of agreement particularly when it comes to the intersection of culture/etiquette/mechanics does not buddying make. If you say something I like and/or agree with, I'll agree with you. If you say something I dislike or just disagree with, I may attack you, or raise an eyebrow, offer a counterpoint or turn it into a joke, in some measure.
Was there a pattern of ZFR trying to woo you that is observable?
3. Not sure how to read this since it's ambiguously parsed, but what the hell: why, specifically, do you think agent and flub are NOT mafia together?
Or are you just saying tepidly that you're not arguing that they are mafia together but they could be and as a result something something?

And are you talking theoretically, or in this game specifically.
3. Not tepid. Agent's comments about level 6 town flub and vote Joe because of flub's reads seemed a little weird to me. That's why I like agent. I don't think he does that if they are both mafia. My reason for flub is a little flimsy in light of everyone piling on ZFR but it's basically because I think ZFR's vote on Joe to avoid self lynch is NAI even if everyone thinks his explanation isn't and flub's vote on Joe to avoid EOD chaos isn't as towny as everyone thinks.

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted November 15, 2018
Don't follow, what allegations?
Calling you out != repeating it. Try harder.
So, your argument then for voting a lurker will be "Hey, I'm voting this player for their lurking isn't as good as mine"?
Also nice to see you're answering questions very selectively.
cristigale: [...] @Hyper - do you think there is a noticeable tell between your town and scum game? [...] I'd like to think that there isn't, but perhaps there is, and I'm not aware of it (yet?).
Having said that, I find your question a bit... odd.
agentcarr16: [...] Fair enough that you don't think he's going to flip mafia. But how is there already being plenty of people on his
wagon a good decision to not get on his wagon? If you don't want to lynch him, fair enough. If you just don't want to get on his
wagon, that's a bit suspicious. [...] The two are not related, certainly not in the way you read it.
You theorised into a specific direction because of the different lynch mechanic in your post #176. And hopped on JoeSapphire's wagon two posts later.
But it's equally likely that scum will act into the opposite direction, more so on D1, exactly because of the different lynch mechanic, and the possible implications of being off wagon (more so than usual), so I'm keeping it firmly in mind when looking at the votes and wagons progression, and hence my:
which follows something I had said earlier in the same post, namely:
HypersomniacLive: [...] even if everyone seems to approach EoD and the lynch like always, or cares to appear to be doing so. [...] So, I didn't think he'd flip mafia, hence I didn't vote him because I didn't want to lynch him, and at the same time made a comment on how the L-1 status of a wagon I didn't like looked to me.
(*^-‘) 乃
Calling you out != repeating it. Try harder.
So, your argument then for voting a lurker will be "Hey, I'm voting this player for their lurking isn't as good as mine"?
Also nice to see you're answering questions very selectively.

Having said that, I find your question a bit... odd.

wagon a good decision to not get on his wagon? If you don't want to lynch him, fair enough. If you just don't want to get on his
wagon, that's a bit suspicious. [...]
You theorised into a specific direction because of the different lynch mechanic in your post #176. And hopped on JoeSapphire's wagon two posts later.
But it's equally likely that scum will act into the opposite direction, more so on D1, exactly because of the different lynch mechanic, and the possible implications of being off wagon (more so than usual), so I'm keeping it firmly in mind when looking at the votes and wagons progression, and hence my:
which follows something I had said earlier in the same post, namely:

(*^-‘) 乃

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted November 15, 2018
Can you clarify this for me? What would Joe claim? That he was town? That's what everyone is doing. Or claim a PR or neutral status? Wouldn't that be scummy? Not sure what you wanted him to claim when he was VT.

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted November 15, 2018

The other issue is finding a way to vote for you that feels natural. That's why I asked about agent. It looks scummy to vote you if they had not first laid some ground work or saw a good opening.
I don't find it a convincing reason to give either player town points.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted November 15, 2018

agent 1 - muddy (269)
Ixam 1 - flubb (301)
ZFR 1 - SirP (273)
flubb 1 - P1na (257)
SirP 2 - ZFR (258), SPF (342)
HSL 1 - Ix (347)
Not voting: agent, HSL, bler,
With 10 alive it takes 6 votes to lynch in Phase 1.
Not letting myself off the hook there. It just is. Voting now it would be Ix or ZFR - the latter seems more valuable in terms of potentially assessing D1. Will try and get through other reads tonight but getting a late start due to RL.
nothing is both immutable and eternal.

SPF - one of SPF or ZFR is probably scum, I don't remember anything from SPF other than his suspicion ZFR. Which still worries me.
SPF is at the bottom of my POE:
Vote SirPrimalform
2) If your premise is ZFR vs. SPF points to maf (or did you just mean non-town?), what do you recall of ZFR other than defending his Joe vote? Did you re-read both?
As to your other question, prior to game #53, I would have said yes. After game 53, hard to say. Of the three players I'd say I usually read well, both HSL (town) and Wyrm (null then vacillated) were off, but hard to say how telling given the sub situation. So, optimistic, but not convinced, no.

You're right they could, but since you probably won't "know" til after the fact, I'm not sure where you're going with this.
My fault, I didn't understand what you were arguing. My original question, though, was where does maf!SPF leeeead you. Maf flipping will always make 1-2 players more towny. That's great, but if SPF is maf, who looks maf with him, since M>1, presumably.
I'm presuming now you're going to say me. ;)
Plus, you're right that SPF and flub becomes more unlikely, but that's why it's WIFOM.

If it hadn't been an all-maf game he would have been lynched by D2-D3 imo, as it was pretty apparent, but the yogs coalition was too busy cleaning up other obvious mis-steps chaining off one another (P1na, leonard, adalia) and by D4 his team controlled the vote enough to prevent it.
Other funny Ix stories (like the time he used his town protective power to try to investigate a claimed town paranoid barn/gun owner - and yes, you read that right - it was partly the mod's fault though), but not the time for it, probably.
lol - I had to go back to the quote to see where this came from, but that's pretty funny.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted November 15, 2018

On that note, before we do hit Phase Two
Vote HSL

Flub (a la posts 23 - 132 are still mostly jokey, and then the tone shifts)
And HSL tells a mean knock-knock joke.
Fwiw, (probably not much) last game we played together (t/t) I hard town read her I think by mid D1, and then screamed bloody murder that she shouldn't be the lynch.
I am eyeing two other faint whiffs of players buddying me, but it's not cristi.

I did enjoy the jokes tho. ;)

3. Not tepid. Agent's comments about level 6 town flub and vote Joe because of flub's reads seemed a little weird to me. That's why I like agent. I don't think he does that if they are both mafia. My reason for flub is a little flimsy in light of everyone piling on ZFR but it's basically because I think ZFR's vote on Joe to avoid self lynch is NAI even if everyone thinks his explanation isn't and flub's vote on Joe to avoid EOD chaos isn't as towny as everyone thinks.
Also, generally once a few players have commented on something like that you won't get other answers because other players either just don't care to start or feel it's been adequately addressed.
3. I'm still not sure I follow this beyond that you don't think agent/flub are w/w together, but both suspicious for...something. I'll have to go find your explanation for your vote.

Whether it's scummy or not, it's just inherently bad for your team tactically.
Not claiming looks suspicious, though if you're bold/good enough, in some setups you can hint at a PR, try to force no lynch by staying under maj, and sucking up NK or maf PR potentially. But in this setup that probably doesn't get you anywhere.
That said, Joe had access issues apparently, and we have a semi-random deadline, so only he knows when he would have intended to claim given how he viewed the gamestate.