Posted July 18, 2024
high rated

I can not say anything happy, but I will say about something that made me unhappy - some of my coworkers were banned on gog forum. That is really bad habit gog to ban people if their opinion is different in same situation!!! I do not understand you gog, do you work for profit or not? Do you need to do all you can to please gamers so they will buy new games? But instead you GoG blocks almost every person I know! Gamers who buy games every month - you don't touch them and do not punish them. But if a gamer does not buy anything for at least 3 months - you start inventing an excuse to block the user's account or to block them on forum. For such behavior gog, gamers will not stroke your head, but rather they will curse the entire gog company and all its employees! Think about it.
Post edited July 18, 2024 by MarkoH01