Lifthrasil: What would you prefer? Classic setup with certified balance? Or swingy, experimental setup with Cult elements?
I have an aversion to cult games that exists deep down inside. It is a knee-jerk revulsion that no amount of therapy has been able to drive from my system (1). The bias is so strong, that whenever someone mentions Cult in a Mafia context, a facial tic develops and persists for several minutes (2). If there are too many Mafia games with cult, in too short a time, I may go into a unbridled rage, murdering with wanton abandon up and down the U.S. Eastern seaboard (3).
But, hey, do what ever makes you feel best. It is your game after all. :)
(1) Krypsyn has never attempted therapy on this subject.
(2) This is patently untrue, unless a grimace and/or groan constitutes a 'tic'.
(3) Highly unlikely. While Krypsyn is not totally averse to mass killing, in theory, he realizes that, in practice, it may result in his incarceration or worse. Therefore, if he did go off a killin', it wouldn't be as obvious as some sort of pedestrian 'spree'.