Posted September 29, 2015

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted September 29, 2015
45 minutes til midnight, still haven't heard from BlueMooner nor HijacK today...
Post edited September 29, 2015 by RWarehall

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted September 29, 2015

Anything different for yours? aka why do you ask?

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted September 29, 2015
Monday noon vote count...
2 Flubbucket (Lifthrasil, Dedoporno)
1 BlueMooner (Trentonlf)
There are 12 players left and it takes 7 votes to force someone off the island and 6 votes to No-Lynch.
Deadline is in 24 hours, Tuesday September 29th Midnight EDT (UTC -4) [Wednesday Sept 30th at 4 am UTC]
Not appearing today: BlueMooner and HijacK
Deadline is tomorrow!
Bagatha Chrustie seems to be mostly passed out in the corner with a brown bag in her hand.
There are occassional mutterings...
***slow as molasses***
***why did I sign up for this***
***my career, my career***
2 Flubbucket (Lifthrasil, Dedoporno)
1 BlueMooner (Trentonlf)
There are 12 players left and it takes 7 votes to force someone off the island and 6 votes to No-Lynch.
Deadline is in 24 hours, Tuesday September 29th Midnight EDT (UTC -4) [Wednesday Sept 30th at 4 am UTC]
Not appearing today: BlueMooner and HijacK
Deadline is tomorrow!
Bagatha Chrustie seems to be mostly passed out in the corner with a brown bag in her hand.
There are occassional mutterings...
***slow as molasses***
***why did I sign up for this***
***my career, my career***

more than enough!
Registered: Dec 2014
From Germany
Posted September 29, 2015

Anything different for yours? aka why do you ask?

So you're a watcher that wouldn't see if someone else visited me? Am I reading your restriction correctly?
It's nice that you widened my choice of possible unrestictions today to 4. Now scum has more potential to get it wrong :D

Trent - stopped a forming wagon on flub and then conveniently lost his powers. Right now there is no way to confirm him and I believe granting him his supposed powers back is just a waste of time and action anyway. We might as well confirm his read on flub.
Flub - so far he hasn't done anything in favor of the Town, conflicted Yog until the very last moment, then suggested one of the (in my opinion) easiest lynch targets. Got on Krypsyn's wagon at the very end. Didn't get on CSPVG's wagon but stayed on Yog's. We might as well confirm Trent's read on him.
Books - Suggested random lynching once again. Remained on HijacK's wagon when CSPVG's happened even though a bunch of people backed the self-help guru theory. Refused to get on Krypsyn's wagon and just to spite Yogsloth and potentially protect himself from being pursued by Yogsloth further. Still holds suspicion towards the gurus even though they are but confirmed by all kinds of bits and pieces.
I would go with books but I believe the Flub/Trent duo is the more logical choice since it's almost certainly 2 birds with 1 stone.
Flub is concerning me more and I prefer to go for him even though Trent says he's already debilitated.
The surviving player would be pursued depending of the flip of his counterpart and potentially on some nightly reports. Same goes for books.
vote flub


Much to learn I have...

@Hijack, If BlueMooner is unable to play the game he should ask to be replaced. I have the utmost sympathy for him in his situation, it sucks big time. But if he can't commit to playing he needs to realize this and leave the game. The first game we were in we had a player who just stopped playing all together that we ignored and it cost Town the game. I don't want to see that happen again. So I'm sorry for what BlueMooner is going through, but he needs to either play or leave.

So without thinking about sage I didn't see how trent voting and asking for bluemooner to be replaced, could be him covering for his scum buddy bluemooner. But then I realized, if bluemooner was scum, he could be lynched today for lurking and would be gone to his buddy trent, so asking him to get a replacement instead of getting lynched for lurking could be considered covering?
I know now that's not it, it's just to explain why I wrote what I wrote.

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted September 29, 2015

@Hyper - a piggyback on mchack's question in the last post...are you more apt to believe flubb is town as a result of what you find? I don't think I've noticed as much and not certain what to make of it.

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted September 29, 2015
More like I don't trust what he says. And yes, I doubt I see everything that's there to be seen since I don't have time to re-read as much as I'd like.
The amount of activity around here makes me afraid we'll finally end up no-lynching, though.
The amount of activity around here makes me afraid we'll finally end up no-lynching, though.

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted September 29, 2015
Here are CSPVG’s wagon: Cristigale, McHack, Yogsloth, Dedoporno, Krypsyn, AgentCarr16, Lifthrasil, HypersomniacLive, HijacK
And Krypsyn’s wagon: McHack, Yogsloth, Lifthrasil, Dedoporno, Trentonlf, JMich, Flubbucket, Cristigale
Of those players still in the game (listed in alphabetical order):
Voted on both CSPVG and Krypsyn: cristi, dedo, lift, mchack
Voted on CSPVG only: HijacK, Hyper
Voted on Krypsyn only: flubb, JMich, trent
Voted on neither CSPVG or Krypsyn: adalia, BlueMooner, Sage
Given the quick nature of CSPVG’s lynch and alternative candidates, scum had more time to jump on Kryspyn’s wagon and no other existing wagons to join. Assuming two scum are remaining, I expect at least one scum on Kryspyn’s wagon.
When considering flubb and trent, if flubb is lynched and flips town, then trent is likely town. Why would scum step in and claim unexpectedly to help flubb? If trent is lynched and flips scum, flubb is likely scum. Again, why would scum claim out of the blue to help a town receiving pressure? If flubb flipped scum or trent flipped town, the conclusion about the other party is not as cut and dry for me. I would tend to lean towards whichever alignment flipped.
I’ll be checking the game from my phone as often as possible today.
And Krypsyn’s wagon: McHack, Yogsloth, Lifthrasil, Dedoporno, Trentonlf, JMich, Flubbucket, Cristigale
Of those players still in the game (listed in alphabetical order):
Voted on both CSPVG and Krypsyn: cristi, dedo, lift, mchack
Voted on CSPVG only: HijacK, Hyper
Voted on Krypsyn only: flubb, JMich, trent
Voted on neither CSPVG or Krypsyn: adalia, BlueMooner, Sage
Given the quick nature of CSPVG’s lynch and alternative candidates, scum had more time to jump on Kryspyn’s wagon and no other existing wagons to join. Assuming two scum are remaining, I expect at least one scum on Kryspyn’s wagon.
When considering flubb and trent, if flubb is lynched and flips town, then trent is likely town. Why would scum step in and claim unexpectedly to help flubb? If trent is lynched and flips scum, flubb is likely scum. Again, why would scum claim out of the blue to help a town receiving pressure? If flubb flipped scum or trent flipped town, the conclusion about the other party is not as cut and dry for me. I would tend to lean towards whichever alignment flipped.
I’ll be checking the game from my phone as often as possible today.

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted September 29, 2015

But anyway, we're at a different point now.
OK, let’s see what we have so far:
(A) There’s been one NK each Night so far.
(B) yogsloth said he felt something like a role-block on N1.
(C) According to trentonlf (posts #1066 and #1075) there’s a scum role-restrictor.
What are the possible scenarios here?
Case #1: We have one mafia team
(1.1) We still have three scum left, assuming that they can’t use any power they have and perform the NK.
(1.2) We have two scum left, assuming that they can use any abilities they have and perform the NK.
I don’t remember what RWarehall’s stance is on the matter of total number of scum, but given that we already lynched two scum, I find (1.1) quite unlikely as that would put the total number of scum to five.
Which brings us to (1.2) - would our mod give scum the flexibility/power to function in the manner of (1.2)?
If the answer is yes, then we’re pretty screwed, as scum will always be one step ahead of town, especially as our numbers decrease with every NK.
If the answer is no, then one of (A) – (C) can’t be true, and the most likely to be false is (C).
Case #2: We have two mafia teams
(2.1) They can’t NK at the same night, or they have chosen the same target so far (has happened in a previous game with two mafia teams).
There doesn’t seem to be any evidence so far supporting the existence of two mafia teams, and given that the whole restriction business imposed on town is a complicating enough factor, I’m leaning towards having one mafia team.
Case #3: We have one mafia team and at least one third-party
(3.1) The NKs have been performed by either scum or the third-party. If the latter, what have scum been doing for two Nights?
(3.2) Scum and the third-party alternate in doing the NKs, and (B) and (C). That would require some sort of collaboration though in order to produce results that throw off town.
(3.3) The third-party is responsible for (B) and/ or (C). In either case, the third-party would be actively working against town and in favour of scum. Would the mod put such a role in the game and for what purpose?
There may be other cases, and I may have made some errors or leaps here, but all in all, I’m inclined to go with the scenario that requires the least assumptions in lack of any supporting evidence.
Which brings me back to Case #1, and the case of (C) being false.
If (C) is not true, then trentonlf is lying about N2, and if he’s lying about that then what he said about N1 becomes suspicious at the very least – I hope that our mod is not enough of a bastard to feed a townie with clues that can exonerate scum.
Which brings me to flubbucket.
I’ve found 5 posts, possibly 6, from flubbucket that contain breadcrumbs of his (alleged) role.All but one post, were made after trentonlf reported on his N1 action. As I said, there’s one specific element to that role that can easily put him in the mafia team (and also explain a couple of things), with everything else he’s said being a cover to appear town. Including the avatar he chose, if that is any sort of tell as trentonlf claims.
I’ve also played with the thought that, seeing that I care about his breadcrumbs, he perhaps keeps throwing them every chance he gets in an attempt to scatter any doubts I have for good, possibly hoping that I’d then try to convince others.
This is probably too meta, but I’m getting uneasy every time flubbucket comes forth with any sort of reads on players, as I’ve only seen him do that as scum, and it always feels like he’s trying to appear helpful. I asked specifically about this and the only one that replied was trentonlf with a general comment that flubbucket acts the same whether town or scum.
Do I think he’s more likely to be town than not? Well, if I did, I wouldn’t be dancing around with him for most of D2.
Long story short, I’m not sure if flubbucket is who he says he is, and it needs to be cleared one way or another. We don’t seem to have any other way than the lynch, so, at this point I’m ok with voting him or trentonlf.
And to put my money where my mouth is:
Vote flubbucket
The majority of players are from the other side of the pond, I hope activity will pick up shortly after they wake up, but going by the previous Days, it will probably be around our midnight.

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted September 29, 2015

(A) There’s been one NK each Night so far.
(B) yogsloth said he felt something like a role-block on N1.
(C) According to trentonlf (posts #1066 and #1075) there’s a scum role-restrictor.
What are the possible scenarios here?
Case #1: We have one mafia team
(1.1) We still have three scum left, assuming that they can’t use any power they have and perform the NK.
(1.2) We have two scum left, assuming that they can use any abilities they have and perform the NK.
I don’t remember what RWarehall’s stance is on the matter of total number of scum, but given that we already lynched two scum, I find (1.1) quite unlikely as that would put the total number of scum to five.
Which brings us to (1.2) - would our mod give scum the flexibility/power to function in the manner of (1.2)?
If the answer is yes, then we’re pretty screwed, as scum will always be one step ahead of town, especially as our numbers decrease with every NK.
If the answer is no, then one of (A) – (C) can’t be true, and the most likely to be false is (C).

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted September 29, 2015

So I really don't see, why you don't get and don't like an attempt to ensure an easy win for town. Unless, of course, you are scum. Then I would entirely understand, why you didn't like the push for mass-claim yesterday.
As for today: I didn't push for it today, I asked whether you think it would still be beneficial for town today, considering scum knows now what is going on.
Nice summary. I also still think that lynching flubb is the best way to go. Either we hit scum (hopefully) or we basically clear trent. The first would obviously be great, the second wouldn't be bad for town either.

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted September 29, 2015
Another reason I prefer flubb over trent is, that flubb utterly refused to claim when he was nominated to go first. So the only way to find out more about him is a lynch - he even said so himself. Categorically refusing to claim, in a situation where a claim would have been beneficial to town and difficult and dangerous to scum, is in itself a scummy thing to do. Trent, however, has already claimed and that claim can be cross-checked with flubb's flip.

more than enough!
Registered: Dec 2014
From Germany
Posted September 29, 2015
vote flubbucket
for all the good reasons given already. (will have more time to comment later)
@HyperSomniacLive: Please, would you write it out for the slow witted like myself what you think flubs might be? Pretty please with sugar on top? You know I won't believe you, when you go "that's what I thought all along" after the flip :P
for all the good reasons given already. (will have more time to comment later)
@HyperSomniacLive: Please, would you write it out for the slow witted like myself what you think flubs might be? Pretty please with sugar on top? You know I won't believe you, when you go "that's what I thought all along" after the flip :P