Posted May 12, 2015
LaPtiteBete: You're too modest :-D
And I couldn't throw Moon in the Oubliette... who will work on my simulations and crazy machines if she's not in the Lab anymore... ? :-|
Thanks for your lovely wishes, wonderful DD... !! I hope you'll have a great week too...
**Enormous happy hug**
ddickinson: I do not think I am too modest, but people keep telling me that. And I couldn't throw Moon in the Oubliette... who will work on my simulations and crazy machines if she's not in the Lab anymore... ? :-|
Thanks for your lovely wishes, wonderful DD... !! I hope you'll have a great week too...
**Enormous happy hug**
Moon can still work on your machines, as you have a special lab set up in the Oubliette. :-)
My week will mostly be spent at work (lots of paperwork to do at the moment, especially tax related stuff, but at least I get to chat on the forum more), but this Sunday we (me and my partner) are volunteering at the children's hospice again for the day on Sunday. We will be doing some Shakespeare and borrowing a karaoke machine to do some singing. It should be fun, and a little sad, for the obvious reasons.
LaPtiteBete: It won't feel awkward... this story is sad, for sure... but you'r the first one to tell anybody that this thread is here to talk about everything... good things, life's sh*ts.... (plus, most of us already know about it... so it won't feel awkward...) ; but you decide :-) and if you chose to tell it again, well ; we'll post twice more funnier messages afterward to get our mind off things ;-)
**Big crushing hug**
ddickinson: I just do not like people feeling uncomfortable, or worrying what to say. I also am not a fan of getting sympathy, especially when people have things a lot worse than me and they deserve the sympathy. I did mention it briefly a few posts back, but I don't think I will ever mention it again in detail. **Big crushing hug**
ddickinson: You could have at least said sorry once. I had a German mankini all ready for you. :-)
*return hug*
ddickinson: Well who else would it be? You are in charge of if I can buy games or now, of people's avatars and forum titles, and almost everything else. It's clear that you are the boss here. If not you then who?