Socratatus: Now i`m black, yep, brown of skin. As a kid I always worried about racism and took racism from some white kids, even some Indian kids. Although it really wasn`t that bad.
However, many of my greatest friends were white. Grew up with them, played games with them. I listened to martin Luther King and understood that racism is racism no matter what colour you are.
After playing battletech for a while now, I call battletech racist to WHITE people. Your mercenary team are all brown, black asian or a woman. No white man. the only way to get a white man is if you employ him as a Merc or make yourself white in the game.
Racism is racism. As a man of justice and fairness who has known racism this racism to whites sickens me and while Battletech as a tactical and strategy game is really good, the racism is really putting a bad taste in my mouth.
Devs, fix this you are being what you think you`re not- Racist. White men are Human too.
I had to write this; i`m sure it`ll be banned or deleted.
Nice troll.
Bit like implaying Black Panther is very racist.
Upon release, The Witcher 3 was farily criticized for sexism and lack of diversity by a source critical site. (Plus combat mechanics could be less saturating, IMO)
Your spiritual brothers had really a great difficulty accepting independent gaming journalism.
They attaced the reviewer because he mentioned sexim and lack of diversity.
One could have thought no black person, or an ottoman, or a hun, or a mongol, or EU citizen, or even WW2 nazi brutes ever have visited Poland.
Because CD Project purprortedly made TW3 upon release all white by an indisputable force of destiny - because they are a Polish developer, and therefore it's so ok.
Fits your narrative spot on, of course, but is not a great look for CD Project Red, actually.
You do realise they want global audience to buy their product, right?
I actually really enjoy either real - or maybe imagined - schadenfreude that CD Project Red had to implement Ofieri as response to that criticism.