Posted October 07, 2017

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland

Cookie Monster
Registered: Apr 2012
From Christmas Island

Registered: Oct 2012
From Sri Lanka
Posted October 07, 2017
low rated

You're jaded and cynical about GOG: I get that. But you're being completely unrealistic if you think any business would discuss finances, figures, future plans, and their business plan and not have it covered by an NDA.
And really, I'm not interested in any numbers. If they tell me "we have enough money for like forever" I'm ok with that, but it should also be possible to talk about let's say the next game they are trying to release and maybe why it takes so long and why it maybe not come at all. If that is not possible, I don't see a good reason to go there. Just my stance on that.

Bottom line is this, and I said it before in a previous post: we're not going to convince you of anything because it appears you don't want to be convinced. Again, that's fine. We're only relaying our experience there and what we came to learn (that we're allowed to disclose). You say seeing is believing, and I agree with that. But we saw these guys in person, face to face. We asked them some hard questions; we took them to task over some of their previous decisions. And they gave us answers and reasons for what they did and do. And they admitted they fucked up on several things. I personally didn't see any indications they were being deceptive - and I like to think I'm no fool. Believe us or don't. Believe GOG or don't, it's up to you. I'll wait to see how things roll out, too. But I, for one, believe what they told us.
As I said before, I really want to believe GOG (and your optimistic view), but first GOG has to deliver, because of what I said before. Then, and only then I might come back to terms with GOG.

gog n' cogs
Registered: Mar 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted October 07, 2017
Post edited October 07, 2017 by mechmouse

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted October 07, 2017

Remorse: The List, if you like FPS psych horror
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted October 07, 2017
This thread needs a sister thread linking to all the best informative posts.

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany

Remorse: The List, if you like FPS psych horror
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted October 07, 2017

Feel free to ask for more clarifications.

Unfortunately, my position remains as it was.
I feel no need to seek further clarification from you regarding any point.
GOG should be in here telling us and offering clarification, no one else. I do not wish to belittle you or anyone else who attended.
GOG remains high on my suspect list and none of the recent seriously questionable moves by GOG has been formally addressed by GOG.
GOG can rest assured that even on the whiff of the next naive move, I simply wont be a customer.

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted October 07, 2017
high rated
The big day
So, I woke up around 5:45, having slept awfully, and I should NOT, ow! ... I should not have drunk quite as much as I did the night before. Dozed fretfully until about 6:30, then gave up on sleeping any more and got out of bed. I puttered around, watched a bit of YouTube on my laptop, took a shower, dressed, and then went down to the lobby to meet the other guys for breakfast.
Breakfast at the hotel was basic, but adequate. What was not adequate however, was the coffee machine. It was one of the fancy ones which grinds the beans for each cup and brews it as you wait. All well and good in many situations, but we were 6 guys all of whose internal mechanisms were screaming "COFFEE! NOW!" at us at the top of their voices. Needless to say, a lot of impatient queueing was going on.
Eventually we did all get our coffee and food, and gathered around a table to one side of the hotel cafeteria for a breakfast and chat. We talked about the goings-on the previous night, and about what was going to happen today. Even though we had all only met physically just the day before, the sense of camaraderie between us was already very powerful. After a second cup of coffee, I began to feel slightly more alive than dead, and felt somewhat ready for what was to come.
Breakfast over, we went back to our rooms to prepare, and then met back downstairs a bit before 9 to wait for the taxi which was being sent to pick us up.
Interlude: The Evil ATM
We were standing outside waiting for the taxi to arrive. There was an ATM right next to the hotel entrance. MarkoH01 wanted to withdraw a small amount of the local currency (PLN), in case we'd have a chance to buy something somewhere. He put his card in the machine and started navigating the menus. We were all standing around him talking. In the menu he ended up in, the smallest amount he could withdraw was 1000 PLN, which was much too much for the short time we were there. He cancelled the transaction, and the machine spat out his card. He turned to talk to us about it, and we agreed that there had to be an option to withdraw less than that.
At this point, MarkoH01 still not having taken the card out of the machine, the ATM decided that he must have left and forgotten his card in the machine. What happened next was... unfortunate. The machine flashed a brief message that we only just had time to see, saying that it was now going to appropriate the card for security reasons, and then it ate the card!
Needless to say, MarkoH01 was not happy about this turn of events. By now, the taxi had arrived and was waiting for us, but we had to deal with this situation before we could leave. The ATM had a customer service telephone number on it, so MarkoH01 enlisted the help of the Polish receptionist from the hotel, to call the customer service, explain the situation, and hopefully get them to get the ATM to return his card.
The rest of us were outside, discussing this unfortunate turn of events, when a dejected MarkoH01 came out of the lobby and announced that nope, there was nothing to be done. The card was gone, and would not be returned, but would in fact be shredded. There was nothing he could do except order a new card when he got home.
We were of course awfully sorry for him, but given that there was nothing any of us could do about the situation, we opted to get underway and hope that the day would get better soon. Thankfully, it did.
Watch this space for the next exciting installment: Wishbone's Tale: Part Four. It probably won't be until tomorrow though. I know I said that before as well, but this time I (probably) mean it ;-)
The big day
So, I woke up around 5:45, having slept awfully, and I should NOT, ow! ... I should not have drunk quite as much as I did the night before. Dozed fretfully until about 6:30, then gave up on sleeping any more and got out of bed. I puttered around, watched a bit of YouTube on my laptop, took a shower, dressed, and then went down to the lobby to meet the other guys for breakfast.
Breakfast at the hotel was basic, but adequate. What was not adequate however, was the coffee machine. It was one of the fancy ones which grinds the beans for each cup and brews it as you wait. All well and good in many situations, but we were 6 guys all of whose internal mechanisms were screaming "COFFEE! NOW!" at us at the top of their voices. Needless to say, a lot of impatient queueing was going on.
Eventually we did all get our coffee and food, and gathered around a table to one side of the hotel cafeteria for a breakfast and chat. We talked about the goings-on the previous night, and about what was going to happen today. Even though we had all only met physically just the day before, the sense of camaraderie between us was already very powerful. After a second cup of coffee, I began to feel slightly more alive than dead, and felt somewhat ready for what was to come.
Breakfast over, we went back to our rooms to prepare, and then met back downstairs a bit before 9 to wait for the taxi which was being sent to pick us up.
Interlude: The Evil ATM
We were standing outside waiting for the taxi to arrive. There was an ATM right next to the hotel entrance. MarkoH01 wanted to withdraw a small amount of the local currency (PLN), in case we'd have a chance to buy something somewhere. He put his card in the machine and started navigating the menus. We were all standing around him talking. In the menu he ended up in, the smallest amount he could withdraw was 1000 PLN, which was much too much for the short time we were there. He cancelled the transaction, and the machine spat out his card. He turned to talk to us about it, and we agreed that there had to be an option to withdraw less than that.
At this point, MarkoH01 still not having taken the card out of the machine, the ATM decided that he must have left and forgotten his card in the machine. What happened next was... unfortunate. The machine flashed a brief message that we only just had time to see, saying that it was now going to appropriate the card for security reasons, and then it ate the card!
Needless to say, MarkoH01 was not happy about this turn of events. By now, the taxi had arrived and was waiting for us, but we had to deal with this situation before we could leave. The ATM had a customer service telephone number on it, so MarkoH01 enlisted the help of the Polish receptionist from the hotel, to call the customer service, explain the situation, and hopefully get them to get the ATM to return his card.
The rest of us were outside, discussing this unfortunate turn of events, when a dejected MarkoH01 came out of the lobby and announced that nope, there was nothing to be done. The card was gone, and would not be returned, but would in fact be shredded. There was nothing he could do except order a new card when he got home.
We were of course awfully sorry for him, but given that there was nothing any of us could do about the situation, we opted to get underway and hope that the day would get better soon. Thankfully, it did.
Watch this space for the next exciting installment: Wishbone's Tale: Part Four. It probably won't be until tomorrow though. I know I said that before as well, but this time I (probably) mean it ;-)

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted October 07, 2017

I haven't drawn a new statement of account yet so there still is the chance that somebody did some big shopping tour with my card before i was able to block it (or like PaterAlf said this was all a big scheme and all costs of this event were paid now using my card ;)) but I highly doubt it. So there is nothing to see anymore and things are back to normal.
Post edited October 07, 2017 by MarkoH01

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted October 07, 2017
high rated

Is the part I highlighted meant as "fully offline installers that will not depend on any kind of network or client connection" and "single player experiences that will not depend on any kind of network or client connection", or "fully offline installers" and "single player experiences that will not depend on any kind of network or client connection"?
On a side note, I got a "heh" moment reading this; sounds like an indirect admission that a client and DRM-free are not compatible. No need to comment on this, I'm not looking nor trying to start a debate on the DRM-free topic.

Underestimating the reaction just goes to show how little they really know their userbase.
The point I'd like to make is related to the part I highlighted. I'll accept that the banners and buttons didn't do the trick for a number of users. However, they could have avoided both the load of support tickets, the workload to add the Galaxy installer to the standalone installers, and the shitstorm, if they had done a very simple thing, imo.
Take a look at the screenshot I've attached. See all that great empty grey space underneath the shelf where the "Share this" and "Go to my Account" buttons are (can't help a "heh" every time I see the order of the buttons)? Add a "Install Galaxy" button and put a revision of that blurb that is now on every game card in our accounts regarding the Galaxy-laden installers - a revision to make clear after installing the client, games can be installed using the client. In other words, make those users aware of the client, the need to download and install it to get the advertised features, and that they don't have to get game installers separately after that.
Make every purchase, redeemed gift & promo code open this page. Telling people right after a game has been added to their account to install the client will, imo, be much more effective than how this page works now, or how the various options to install a game are in the FAQ, a FAQ that not many will bother to read beforehand, and a number won't read anyway.
Should this fail for some (and it quite probably will), and they go to their account, revise the client button. Reward it to say "Install Galaxy", and add a blurb right under it to say "if you want <list of major features> install our client blah blah blah". Seriously GOG, you chose the current wording of that button out of fear you'd hurt the sensibilities of those that don't want to use it, yet when it failed to work for those that want it, you've gone with an extreme solution.
I'll be genuinely surprised and puzzled if nobody at GOG thought of this. If they have, the question then is why hasn't it been at least attempted?
I meant to post this in the thread about this that BKGaming made a few weeks ago, and never got around it, but I guess this thread is as good a place to make a suggestion.

Are the shit and questions, and how you asked them, also covered by the NDA, or can you freely share?

Also, did anyone bring up the issue of changelogs? And why game forum links on game pages is restricted to only In Dev games?

What bug related to the notifications are you referring to?

I point an click
Registered: Sep 2011
From Canada
Posted October 07, 2017
Thanks for taking the time to report this. I for one am glad that GOG is asking active members for their input.
Keep up the good work GOG.
Keep up the good work GOG.

Cookie Monster
Registered: Apr 2012
From Christmas Island
Posted October 07, 2017

Which issue of changelogs? I told them that it would be great, if they would be visible for everyone right on the store page of a game. Not completely sure about the second question, but I think someone mentioned it.

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany