drealmer7: Nah, you're just used to being hand-held, used to super-convenience, used to easy. Hundreds of thousands of people have played Fallout 1 with no issues. You're just playing it wrong and not able to handle what it has to offer. You also might want to try reading the manual. It's really the truth.
Tankman101: 1. I hate to break it to you, but I'm not used to hand holding. The main games I play are sandbox and RTS, neither of which hand-hold.
2. I shouldn't need to read external sources to get past the first 10 mins.
3. You aren't exactly providing and convincing arguments that the game isn't flawed somewhat, "git gud" isn't cutting it.
I will repeat, why can't I just ask someone if they know where I could find a rope? They don't have to be correct, but it could set me on the right path of "Maybe someone is selling it". You don't have to tell me that option is available, just have it there after you find out you need it.
The manual isn't an external source. It is source material. I didn't say the game was perfection, most games have flaws. Fallout's flaws are inventory management, companion management, and ummm, that might be it for me. I can understand it is hard to get a feel for or get used to how everything operates, that is true for most innovative games, a lot of older games, and life in general. Either be okay with a learning curve/getting used to the feel of something you aren't used to, or stick to the same old predicable cookie-cutter crap you're used to and don't break from your comfort zone, that is really the dilemma here I think.
Chill about the damn rope, play the game and you'll find plenty of rope. Don't be so narrow-sighted, just play the game. Explore. Discover. Enjoy. Die, most likely a lot. Enjoy some more.
squid830: Doesn't someone in Shady Sands have rope for sale?
Pretty sure the guy at the entrance does. I feel like I always have 3 ropes by the time I'm in Shady Sands, so...*shrug.*
almabrds: The first town you find (unless you disobey the Overseer and start exploring random points in the map, you'll find Shady Sands after going to Vault 15, any one will see the giant green dot) is the last place you expected to find a rope?
Tankman101: I didn't expect it to be on randy random the gate guard. Let alone that randy random would be a shop owner.
That's not his name. Maybe if you just didn't think everyone around you was some insignificant dope and actually talked to them, you'd discover that you aren't the center of the universe, yet. I suggest using your cursor and letting it pause over everything you see, it will tell you lots. Especially use it on people so you can see who the hell they are and not just assume because they don't have fancy clothes and a big desk and an arrow pointing down at their head from the heavens that they might actually have something to contribute to the game. I mean: