STASIS is a point-and-click, sci-fi, horror adventure game played from a unique isometric perspective. STASIS intertwines a gruesome narrative with retro adventure gameplay. Combine items, interact with computers and solve puzzles while experiencing the...
STASIS is a point-and-click, sci-fi, horror adventure game played from a unique isometric perspective. STASIS intertwines a gruesome narrative with retro adventure gameplay. Combine items, interact with computers and solve puzzles while experiencing the gritty atmosphere.
In the distant future, aboard a seemingly abandoned spacecraft, John Maracheck awakes from stasis. He must push himself to new physical and emotional limits and unravel the mysteries around him.
John is in tremendous pain, his wife and daughter are missing, and time is running out as the Groomlake plunges further into the swirling blue methane clouds of Neptune.
Challenging and realistic puzzles
Cinematic AAA music composed by Mark Morgan
Highly detailed 2D isometric graphics
Classic point-and-click interaction
Multiple characters to engage and work with
Death - John can (and will) die in the most horrific ways imaginable
Suicides - Special objects can be self-inflicted on John himself to end it all
Winner of the Aggie Award for the Best Adventure Game of 2015
Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility.
Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility.