Wasteland 3 © and developed 2020 by inXile entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. inXile entertainment, the inXile entertainment Logo, Wasteland and Wasteland 3 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of inXile entertainment, Inc. Published 2020 by Koch Media GmbH. Prime Matter is a division of Koch Media GmbH. Prime Matter and its respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media GmbH. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
M1 Pro/Max note: Apple users with new M1 Pro or M1 Max chips should note that there are known graphical issues when playing Wasteland 3. This appears to impact multiple titles built in Unity (the engine the game is based on), and is known by Unity and Apple to resolve at the engine and/or OS level. We do not have an ETA when this may be resolved. Until further notice we recommend against playing Wasteland 3 on the M1 Pro/Max chips. These issues do not appear to occur on the base M1 chips; however, your experience may vary.
M1 Pro/Max note: Apple users with new M1 Pro or M1 Max chips should note that there are known graphical issues when playing Wasteland 3. This appears to impact multiple titles built in Unity (the engine the game is based on), and is known by Unity and Apple to resolve at the engine and/or OS level. We do not have an ETA when this may be resolved. Until further notice we recommend against playing Wasteland 3 on the M1 Pro/Max chips. These issues do not appear to occur on the base M1 chips; however, your experience may vary.
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