Road 96: Mile 0 is a Narrative-Adventure game with a musical component created by DigixArt, the French studio behind the successful Road 96, 11-11 Memories Retold and 5 Pegases Awards winner. Published by Ravenscourt, players will alternate between the roles of Zoe and Kaito, two teenagers with diff...
Road 96: Mile 0 is a Narrative-Adventure game with a musical component created by DigixArt, the French studio behind the successful Road 96, 11-11 Memories Retold and 5 Pegases Awards winner. Published by Ravenscourt, players will alternate between the roles of Zoe and Kaito, two teenagers with different backgrounds and beliefs. They live and explore White Sands, a luxurious condominium where Petria´s elite reside and where Kaito´s parents work.
Zoe is one of the characters of Road 96. She comes from the rich side of the city and her father works for the government. Kaito, a character from Lost in Harmony, lives in the less privileged area. They're good friends, but that could all change quite soon.
Their journey in Road 96: Mile 0 will challenge their friendship and everything they believe in. They say money doesn’t buy happiness, nor friendship. These teens are dreamers and they are going to learn where they belong. Will they remain friends?
Road 96 World
Understand the previous event of Road 96 and what made Zoe flee from her home. Play as Zoe and Kaito to shape the evolution of their fate. Besides this, you will run into many of the colorful characters from Road 96. Get to experience another side of the troubled country of Petria.
It's All About Friendship
This is a story about conflict and difference of opinion between two friends. Zoe and Kaito come from two different worlds, but they are unified by a powerful friendship. They will face many challenges, can they overcome them?
Musical Rides
The musical segments of the game are a real emotional experience that put you into inner worlds of Zoe and Kaito. You will have to make choices and ride and dodge to find your way through these beautiful psychedelic trips.
Road 96: Mile 0 is a trademark from Digixart Entertainment. Published by PLAION GmbH. Ravenscourt is a division of Koch Media GmbH, Austria. All rights reserved.
Standard Edition
Full Journey Bundle
Stronger Together Bundle
About a Girl (English)
About a Girl (French)
Soundtrack (MP3)
Soundtrack (FLAC)
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