ELDERBORN is a Metal Action Fantasy Slasher with brütal FPP melee combat and souls-like/RPG character progression. In the times of legend, the barbarian tribes need a new dark messiah. The player becomes a merciless slayer who will uncover ancient secrets in the city of doom, and forge their...
ELDERBORN is a Metal Action Fantasy Slasher with brütal FPP melee combat and souls-like/RPG character progression. In the times of legend, the barbarian tribes need a new dark messiah. The player becomes a merciless slayer who will uncover ancient secrets in the city of doom, and forge their own destiny. This ambitious indie game, five years in the making, combines old-school single-player feel, a classic heroic story, and modern level of skill-based challenge. All this and more creates an action-packed, engaging adventure that will last 8-10 hours in a single play-through. Prepare for:
Skill-based, souls-like melee combat in first person perspective, complete with 11 varied weapons to master
Character progression and skill system that allows you to play the game in your very own way
A hand-crafted, mysterious, and dangerous world to explore - catacombs, ancient, monolithic city, and more
A large selection of enemies, each with their own fighting style, tricks, strengths, and weaknesses
An epic and somewhat exotic original heavy metal soundtrack with an occasional electronic beat
An unapologetic tribute to Robert E. Howard-esque heroic fantasy and the awesome pop-culture of the 80's and 90's
Get barbaric!
Популярные достижения
Can I play, Daddy?
Acquire complete knowledge of game's basics.
Knee-Deep in the Dead
Finish 1st Chapter of ELDERBORN.
Make Leonidas proud. Kill 300 enemies.
Standard Edition
Metal AF Edition
soundtrack (MP3)
Системные требования
Минимальные системные требования:
Рекомендуемые системные требования:
Рекомендуемые системные требования:
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