RATING / ESRB / A Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / E Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / E10 Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / M Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / T Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 12 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 16 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 18 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 3 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 7 Created with Sketch. icon_pin Created with Sketch.

Citizen Sleeper

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English & еще 3
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Citizen Sleeper
CITIZEN SLEEPER EXPANDED With the release of Episode PURGE on March 30th, Citizen Sleeper’s three episode post-launch DLC expansion is now complete and the game has even more to offer with a thrilling late game storyline that delivers an immersive new narrative arc introducing additional charac...
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98 %
Game Informer
PC Gamer
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{{ review.content.title }}
О продукте
2022, Jump Over The Age, ...
Системные требования
Windows 7+, Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system, 4 GB RAM, DirectX 11 compatible GPU, V...
Citizen Sleeper Soundtrack, Citizen Sleeper Artbook
Time to beat
6.5 hMain
9.5 h Main + Sides
12.5 h Completionist
9.5 h All Styles


With the release of Episode PURGE on March 30th, Citizen Sleeper’s three episode post-launch DLC expansion is now complete and the game has even more to offer with a thrilling late game storyline that delivers an immersive new narrative arc introducing additional characters, lore and locations. Players returning to Erlin’s Eye might even find themselves running into some familiar faces!

From the developer of In Other Waters, and featuring the stunning character art of Guillaume Singelin, Citizen Sleeper is a narrative RPG set on Erlin’s Eye, a ruined space station that is home to thousands of people trying to survive on the edges of an interstellar capitalist society.

You are a sleeper, a digitised human consciousness in an artificial body, owned by a corporation that wants you back. Thrust amongst the unfamiliar and colourful inhabitants of the Eye, you need to build friendships, earn your keep, and navigate the factions of this strange metropolis, if you hope to survive to see the next cycle.

Inspired by Tabletop Roleplaying games, Citizen Sleeper uses Dice, Clocks and Drives. Each cycle you use the dice you are dealt to choose what to do with your time. Make or break alliances, uncover truths and escape your hunters. Survive and ultimately thrive, one cycle at a time.

The station plays host to characters from all walks of life, trying to eke out an existence among the stars. Salvagers, engineers, hackers, bartenders, street-food vendors, each has a history which brought them here. You choose which of them you wish to help, and together you will shape your future.

Eventually, you will learn to use your dice to hack into the station’s cloud to access decades of digital data, uncover new areas and unlock secrets. This is your unique power, and with it you can change your future. Corporate secrets, rogue AIs and troves of lost data await those willing to dive into the depths of the station’s networks.

Essen-Arp: to them you are just property, one more asset in a portfolio that stretches across the stars. You are the product of an abusive system, in a universe where humanity’s expansion is marked by exploitation and extraction. Escape the makers of your decaying body, and chart your own path in a richly imagined, deeply relevant sci-fi world which explores ideas of precarity, personhood and freedom.

Citizen Sleeper uses Dice, Clocks and Drives to create a player-led experience, where you choose your path in a rich and responsive world.

Each cycle you roll your dice. Assign them to vast range of actions available on the station. With every action, choose what, and who, matters to you, shaping the lives of those around you, and ultimately the future of the station.

Clocks track both your actions and the actions of others across the station. From becoming a local at the Overlook Bar to protecting a friend from Yatagan enforcers, clocks allow you to track your own progress and the influence you have on the world around you.
Follow drives not quests, allowing you to pick and choose the stories and activities that matter to you. As you do, you will shape your character's five skills (Engineer, Interface, Endure, Intuit and Engage), unlocking perks and bonuses that reflect and change how you choose to live in this world.


Published by Fellow Traveller ®. Fellow Traveller is a registered trademark of Surprise Attack Pty Ltd trading as Fellow Traveller Games. All rights reserved.

Standard Edition
Deluxe Edition
Jump Over the Age Collection
Soundtrack (MP3)
Системные требования
Минимальные системные требования:
Зачем покупать на GOG.com?
БЕЗ DRM. Не требует интернет-подключения или активации.
Уверенность и надежность. Поддержка 24/7 и полный возврат средств в течение 30 дней.
Time to beat
6.5 hMain
9.5 h Main + Sides
12.5 h Completionist
9.5 h All Styles
Детали игры
Работает на:
Windows (7, 8, 10, 11), Mac OS X (10.11+)
Дата выхода:
{{'2022-05-05T00:00:00+03:00' | date: 'longDate' : ' +0300 ' }}
359 MB

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