“8Doors” is a story-driven Metroidvania-style action platformer heavily influenced by Korean folktales. Play as ‘Arum’, a brave girl that has voluntarily entered the realm of the afterlife in search of her father’s soul and help guide her through the '8 Doors of Purgatory' to solve the mysteries t...
“8Doors” is a story-driven Metroidvania-style action platformer heavily influenced by Korean folktales. Play as ‘Arum’, a brave girl that has voluntarily entered the realm of the afterlife in search of her father’s soul and help guide her through the '8 Doors of Purgatory' to solve the mysteries that lie deep within. Defeat wretched wraiths blocking your way and rescue fugitive souls who are in need of your guidance.
Dynamic Gameplay
Explore : Navigate 8 different areas of purgatory and countless dangerous obstacles in your path.
Battle : Use fluid combo attacks and timely dodges to go against more than 36 different types of specters and 21 deadly bosses with unique attack patterns.
Improve : Wield 7 different types of weapons, master various skills and take advantage of passive abilities.
Immersive & Deep Story
Backdrop : The fascinating afterlife of the East.
Story : Based on traditional Korean folktales and featuring many memorable concepts and characters.
Sharp Graphics & Art
Unique Visuals : Only three colors were used to breathe life into the game; Red, Black and White.
Hand-Drawn Animations : All characters were drawn by hand in 2D frame-by-frame animations.
Standard Edition
soundtrack (mp3)
Системные требования
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Рекомендуемые системные требования:
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