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Dino Crisis Bundle

Pourquoi acheter sur GOG.com ?
SANS DRM. Aucune activation ou connexion en ligne requise pour jouer.
Satisfaction et sécurité. Excellent support client 24/7 et remboursement complet jusqu'à 30 jours.
Dino Crisis Bundle
Dino Crisis Bundle includes: Dino Crisis Three years ago. A scientist died in an accident during an experiment. His research was on “Third Energy,” a completely clean energy source. The accident occurred just as government funding had been cut off because the project was deemed unfeasible. To the...
Genre :
Notes des utilisateurs
{{ review.content.title }}
Détails du produit
Capcom / GOG, Classement ESRB : Mature 17+...
Configuration du système requise
Win10/Win11, 2.0 GHz, 2 GB, 100% compatible with DirectX 9.0c...

Dino Crisis Bundle includes:

Dino Crisis Three years ago. A scientist died in an accident during an experiment. His research was on “Third Energy,” a completely clean energy source. The accident occurred just as government funding had been cut off because the project was deemed unfeasible. To the public, it was nothing more than an insignificant piece of information. Until now.
Dino Crisis 2 A year has passed since the operation to retrieve Dr. Kirk. Third Energy, both a source of "ultimate clean energy" and a potential "ultimate weapon," has proven to be dangerously unpredictable. The government, having taken control of the project from Dr. Kirk, continued its development. Then, the “accident” happened once again.


ディノクライシス 3年前。一人の科学者が実験中の事故で死亡した。 彼が研究していたのは《完全なクリーンエネルギー=“サードエナジー”》。 実現性に乏しいとみなされ、政府からの資金援助を絶たれた矢先の、不慮の事故だった。 それは世間にとって、取るに足りない情報の一飛沫にすぎなかった。 そして今。
ディノクライシス2 〈カーク博士奪還作戦〉から1年。 “究極のクリーンエネルギー”“究極の兵器”…2つの顔を持つサードエナジー。 その開発プロジェクトは、開発者カーク博士の手を離れ、政府に移された。 そして、再び“事故”は起こった…。

Each title offers different language support. For all the details, please refer to their individual product pages.

Dino Crisis:

Dino Crisis 2:


Configuration du système requise
Configuration minimale requise :
Pourquoi acheter sur GOG.com ?
SANS DRM. Aucune activation ou connexion en ligne requise pour jouer.
Satisfaction et sécurité. Excellent support client 24/7 et remboursement complet jusqu'à 30 jours.
Détails sur le jeu
Programme de préservation GOG
Nous faisons vivre les jeux pour toujours ! Depuis 2008, nous améliorons nous-mêmes les Good Old Games afin de garantir leur commodité et leur compatibilité avec les systèmes modernes. Même si les développeurs originaux du jeu ne le supportent plus
  1. Ce jeu fonctionnera sur les configurations actuelles, et futures, des configurations PC Windows les plus populaires. Sans DRM.
  2. C'est la meilleure version de ce jeu que vous pouvez acheter sur n'importe quelle plateforme PC.
  3. Nous sommes la seule plateforme à fournir un support technique pour les jeux que nous vendons. Si des problèmes apparaissent avec le jeu, notre support technique vous aidera à les résoudre.
Notre liste des améliorations apportées à ce jeu :
Dino Crisis 2 1.0 hotfix2 changelog:
  • Restored missing T-Rex roar sound.
Dino Crisis 1.0 hotfix2 changelog:
  • Fixed incompatibilities with some third-party overlays which resulted in the "Additional main memory needed" error message.
Dino Crisis/Dino Crisis 2 1.0 hotfix changelog:
  • Improved support for controller hotplugging.
  • Added full support for Sony DualSense Edge, Amazon Luna, Google Stadia, and NVIDIA Shield controllers.

Dino Crisis:

  • Full compatibility with Windows 10 and Windows 11.
  • All 6 localizations of the game included (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese).
  • Original, Arrange, and Operation Wipe Out modes included.
  • Improved DirectX game renderer.
  • New rendering options (Windowed Mode, Vertical Synchronization Control, Gamma Correction, Integer Scaling, Anti-Aliasing, and more).
  • Increased rendering resolution to approximately 4K (1920p) and color depth to 32-bit.
  • Improved geometry calculation with more stable transformation and texturing.
  • Enhanced alpha transparency.
  • Improved game registry settings.
  • Smooth animation, video, and music playback without issues.
  • Reliable saving system (the game no longer corrupts save files after leaving dropped weapons).
  • Full support for modern controllers (Sony DualSense, Sony DualShock 4, Microsoft Xbox Series, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, Logitech F series, etc.) with optimal button mapping for both wired and wireless modes, including hot plugging.
  • Validated stability.
  • Added Cloud Saves support.

Dino Crisis 2:

  • Full compatibility with Windows 10 and Windows 11.
  • All 2 localizations of the game included (English, Japanese).
  • Easy difficulty, Dino Colosseum, and Dino Duel included.
  • Improved DirectX game renderer.
  • New rendering options (Windowed Mode, Vertical Synchronization Control, Gamma Correction, Integer Scaling, Anti-Aliasing, and more).
  • Improved music playback and volume scaling.
  • Enhanced item rendering and fogging.
  • Improved cartridge boxes alignment.
  • Smooth video playback, task switching, and game exit.
  • Full support for modern controllers (Sony DualSense, Sony DualShock 4, Microsoft Xbox Series, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, Logitech F series, and more) with optimal button mapping for both wired and wireless modes.
  • Validated stability.
  • Added Cloud Saves support.
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