Copyright© 2018 Harebrained Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BATTLETECH® is a trademark of Microsoft in Europe, the U.S., and other countries. Published by Paradox Interactive AB. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
By clicking “I agree”, I agree to Paradox Interactive’s User Agreement (“UA”) and that I have read and understood the Privacy Policy.
Paradox User Agreement:
Paradox Privacy Policy:
Please be advised that the game works through Rosetta 2 and may not function properly on macOS with M1 chips.
By clicking “I agree”, I agree to Paradox Interactive’s User Agreement (“UA”) and that I have read and understood the Privacy Policy.
Paradox User Agreement:
Paradox Privacy Policy:
Please be advised that the game works through Rosetta 2 and may not function properly on macOS with M1 chips.
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