Posted June 06, 2015

New User
Registered: Jun 2009
From Poland

New User
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States
Posted June 07, 2015
I was worried about this too but willing to take the risk and scan the file, I attached the results using Malwarebytes scan.
0 threats
The reason it's so large is there are tonnes of maps and loading screen images that have to be re-scaled per resolution as you can on the right hand side - Top Right = Different resolutions / Bottom Right = The Images
0 threats
The reason it's so large is there are tonnes of maps and loading screen images that have to be re-scaled per resolution as you can on the right hand side - Top Right = Different resolutions / Bottom Right = The Images

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted June 09, 2015
The link keeps giving me a big red warning page. I also get a popup in my download bar saying the file is malicious and Chrome has blocked it. Wouldn't have a clue how to bypass this :/

New User
Registered: Jun 2012
From Indonesia
Posted September 23, 2015
Mirror link for Zeus widescreen fix by jackfuste
sorry I cant post direct link so please change m*g* with mega
sorry I cant post direct link so please change m*g* with mega

New User
Registered: Feb 2014
From Germany
Posted January 06, 2016
website can#'t get opened because direct blocked by GOOGLE/Firefox
"Als Seite mit unerwünschter Software gemeldet!
Die Website auf wurde als Seite gemeldet, welche unerwünschte Software enthält, und wurde auf Grund Ihrer Sicherheitseinstellungen blockiert.
Seiten mit ungewollter Software versuchen, Software zu installieren, die betrügerisch sein und Ihr System in unerwarteter Weise beeinflussen kann.
website can#'t get opened because direct blocked by GOOGLE/Firefox
"Als Seite mit unerwünschter Software gemeldet!
Die Website auf wurde als Seite gemeldet, welche unerwünschte Software enthält, und wurde auf Grund Ihrer Sicherheitseinstellungen blockiert.
Seiten mit ungewollter Software versuchen, Software zu installieren, die betrügerisch sein und Ihr System in unerwarteter Weise beeinflussen kann.

Let's Play!
Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted January 06, 2016

website can#'t get opened because direct blocked by GOOGLE/Firefox
"Als Seite mit unerwünschter Software gemeldet!
Die Website auf wurde als Seite gemeldet, welche unerwünschte Software enthält, und wurde auf Grund Ihrer Sicherheitseinstellungen blockiert.
Seiten mit ungewollter Software versuchen, Software zu installieren, die betrügerisch sein und Ihr System in unerwarteter Weise beeinflussen kann.

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From United States
Posted January 11, 2016
I tried the mirror link but when i went to mega it said the file is no longer available. Does anyone know why the wsgfmedia link is reported as malware? I can't find the file anywhere else on the internet.

Let's Play!
Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted January 11, 2016

You could always try contacting Jackfuste (or another member of or this forum) and they could put the files up on multiple mirror sites, or at least try to get an answer as to why wsgfmedia is reported as having malware. I had to use an alternate browser that didn't block the wsgfmedia link (can't remember which) to get the files iirc.

New User
Registered: Mar 2013
From Germany
Posted February 22, 2016
Don't own the game yet, but I wanted to make sure that I could play it in widescreen first.
I downloaded the 177mb file from the "malware"-link. Firefox gave me that warning screen, but I chose to click the "ignore warning" option on the bottom right.
Did a Comodo-scan of the downloaded archive instead which came out squeaky clean. The file is indeed huge but it contains images for a dozen different resolutions and an .exe for each.
Can't test it yet, waiting for the next sale. The download is clean though.
I downloaded the 177mb file from the "malware"-link. Firefox gave me that warning screen, but I chose to click the "ignore warning" option on the bottom right.
Did a Comodo-scan of the downloaded archive instead which came out squeaky clean. The file is indeed huge but it contains images for a dozen different resolutions and an .exe for each.
Can't test it yet, waiting for the next sale. The download is clean though.

New User
Registered: Mar 2013
From Germany
Posted February 23, 2016
Bought the game today. The widescreen/HD fix works as intended. I used the 1680*1050 version with previous backups of the Zeus.exe and data folder.
In-game at first the original resolution appeared. I then clicked the display option and picked the higher of the two resolution options (something with 1000 pixels). That resulted in the game switching to 1680*1050 resolution without any problems or glitches.
Highly recommended!
In-game at first the original resolution appeared. I then clicked the display option and picked the higher of the two resolution options (something with 1000 pixels). That resulted in the game switching to 1680*1050 resolution without any problems or glitches.
Highly recommended!

Registered: Jul 2011
From United States
Posted March 23, 2016
Thx for the fix. Couple times the link was blocked by Chrome, then for some reason it worked and was not blocked. Either way the fix works.

New User
Registered: Feb 2014
From Singapore
Posted June 09, 2016

Evil geck0
Registered: Sep 2008
From Poland
Posted June 09, 2016

New User
Registered: Feb 2014
From Singapore
Posted June 10, 2016

Registered: Apr 2013
From France
Posted September 04, 2016
I would like to use the fix provided in the wsgf site with the resolution of 1600x900, but the menu does not seems to feet perfectly, is this normal, is there any "fixed" version ? It's not gamebreaking, but could be better looking :P
I attached a file to show the problem : see the right of the screen and the bottom right.
Thanks in advance for any help ! :)
I attached a file to show the problem : see the right of the screen and the bottom right.
Thanks in advance for any help ! :)
Post edited September 04, 2016 by Splatsch