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I haven't seen this much bad game for a long time! This crappy port of sh**** tablet version is all nobody ever wanted. Controls are a horror, multiplayer and expasion is absent and AI on both sides is completely braindead. This f****** pathfinding I swear to god!! Why do some evil devs have to **** all over old games to squeze some money out of them?

Im sad I didnt try this **** in time to use the money back guarantee. I really dont want people who are behind this to get my money :( And Im sad they also got money from many of the other gamers that didn check like me and thought its the old version, not some sh**** casual TABLET broken port!!
Post edited November 01, 2014 by N3xtGeN
N3xtGeN: I haven't seen this much bad game for a long time! This crappy port of shitty tablet version is all nobody ever wanted. Controls are a horror, multiplayer and expasion is absent and AI on both sides is completely braindead. This fucking pathfinding I swear to god!! Why do some evil devs have to shit all over old games to squeze some money out of them?

Im sad I didnt try this crap in time to use the money back guarantee. I really dont want these evil devs to get my money :( And Im sad they also got money from many of the other gamers that didn check like me and thought its the old version, not some shitty casual TABLET broken port!!

Oi, language !!! You really ought to be ashamed of yourself ;-). Anyway, it is not that (!!!) bad - after all, I should know, I still have both the DOS and Win95 version (both installed under Win8.1).

However, I do agree that it would be nice if they were to finally get round to adding the bits that are missing.

At least it is cheaper than having to pay through the nose for the DOS and Win95 versions (yes, I know it is called a market economy ;-)).

Apart from that, it would also be awfully nice if the GOG folks finally were to get round to actually releasing Z: Steel Soldiers on their site.

Post edited October 21, 2014 by patricklibuda
Yeah, you are right, I starred some words, I shouldnt make a cesspool from this wonderful site, but I was so much pissed at that moment. Im sorry.

But still - this thing shouldnt see the light! Only the graphics and rules are the same, otherwise its a different game and much worse, I still cant get how can someone f*** up the AI so bad :( And the controls are horrible too. I hate so much this amateur remaking of old games for fast cash grab. And I hate casualizing of old games on tablets and even more when they just take a dumb tablet game and almost copy-paste it on PC. They just did all the worst things you can do with a game these days. I think they didnt care about the game at all, they just wanted to get easy money.

This thing is the prime example of whats wrong with todays gaming industry, only thing missing is some overpriced DLC, microtransactions (Im amazed they didnt think of this, it would be a good match with tablet game..) and online pass, oh wait, theres no multiplayer in this one... This is so sad.
Post edited November 01, 2014 by N3xtGeN
N3xtGeN: Yeah, you are right, I starred some words, I shouldnt make a cesspool from this wonderful site, but I was so much pissed at that moment. Im sorry.

But still - this thing shouldnt see the light! Only the graphics and rules are the same, otherwise its a different game and much worse, I still cant get how can someone f*** up the AI so bad :( And the controls are horrible too. I hate so much this amateur remaking of old games for fast cash grab. And I hate casualizing of old games on tablets and even more when they just take a dumb tablet game and almost copy-paste it on PC. They just did all the worst things you can do with a game these days. I think they didnt care about the game at all, they just wanted to get easy money.

This thing is the prime example of whats wrong with todays gaming industry, only thing missing is some overpriced DLC, microtransactions (Im amazed they didnt think of this, it would be a good match with tablet game..) and online pass, oh wait, theres no multiplayer in this one... This is so sad.

I presume you are familiar with the concept of irony ;-). However, the only thing I find amusing with Z (Remake) is that when it comes to what used to be fast scrolling (right mouse button) I now have to scroll in the opposite (!) direction - while normal scrolling still works as before. Otherwise, I am glad that I still have got both original versions (Z DOS and Win95) in German on CD. The GOG version allows me to enjoy Z in English so that I can compare both language versions.

(I am actually half-English and I have always fumed when I had to buy a game in the translated version in German (prior to being able to buying them on-line (I still remember what then used to be Virgin Games in London refusing to swap my diabolical (!!!) German versions (as if the proverbial 3-year-old had done them) of Cannon Fodder 1&2 for their English versions on the grounds that they apparently were not allowed (!!!) to do so while e.g. EA would have no problem whatsoever with swapping any German version I would send to their UK support folks for the according English version)) instead of in the English original - at least Z in German is translated reasonably well and really hilariously funny (!!!), particularly the cutscenes (however, they did get a couple of units wrong...). (Mind you, I also have got Z: Steel Soldiers in German and English - as well as what basically is Z3 - World War II: Frontline Command - also both in German and English - incredibly hard and still motivating (!)).

I hope that over time GoG releases the old versions, probably will never happen but a man can dream... xD