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Srsly, who is balancing this game? Did you even try playing it?

It's physically impossible to do most of timed missions due to completely ridiculous turn limits and endless reinforcements.

Killed all aliens on abduction mission - mission doesn't end and all tubes I couldn't reach in any way on the other end of the map are abducted - why??? End the mission if all aliens are dead and end the abduction. This is just a spit in the face of a player.

Steal 10 pieces of computer data - devs, did you even try to play this yourself? Give it a go and record us a video how you boss it on Veteran, because fuck no, it's physically not possible to clear 15+ guards rushing to the front AND get the data before you spam endless reinforcement. And don't even get me started on endless reinforcements coming in 4 turns, and then repeating EVERY 2 TURNS. Who the fck is thinking this is fun and tactical?

Meanwhile, most soldiers can barely shoot once per turn due to % based AP costs. How in the flying hell am I supposed to clear 15 enemies AND run around and loot shit in 4 turns? Hello? QA? Anyone?

Balance your game. Back to XCOM for now. Hovering over that refund button.
Post edited February 24, 2024 by asuzu
Timed missions are hard to balance, more so if RNGsus/procedural generation is involved, which usually results in them beign garbage that makes me want to punch my monitor.

I'd rather have a config setting to completely disable the mission type.