Links: What's complicated about "install DOSBox, copy files" then?
Darvond: Because the DOS version is old and crufty.
It runs just the same as it always did (with bugs, yes), and the OP can get it to run the same as GOG set it up for Windows DOSBox, but in Linux... Still not seeing the "needless complication" in it.
It seems I'm going to have to spell it out:
1) By the way the OP asked GOG to make Linux installers available it is apparent that they only have access to the game files through the GOG installers for Windows.
2) To get the files without using Windows or Wine, they can get them with innoextract from the GOG Windows installers. If there was a way to prove it, I would bet my house on you referring to this as "needlessly complicated" and not about the parts on running in DOSBox or running an "old and crufty" version; before you realized it was the only legal way they could get the files after my second post.
3) When they have gotten the files, they can do whatever they want with them, including using them for OpenXcom... Except they are asking about the whole game series. OpenXcom supports TFTD on what I would consider beta level, and Apocalypse not at all (the separate project OpenApoc is in alpha since 2014 and moving slooowly). Additionally, OpenXcom in Linux requires dev libraries that the OP may or may not want to install.
If you misread their post or, more likely, jumped the gun and oversold OpenXcom, just say so instead of throwing more dirt on it.