Posted November 07, 2018

XCOM Enemy Unknown Nexus - mods and community

It's caused by people not reading the entire Registration page, and clicking the first button they see, which states
Register Now
Register to gain access to many benefits
Register for free now or help support Nexus Mods by becoming a Premium Member and gain some added perks as a thank you.
Many of the features on Nexus Mods require a user account. Registration is fast and painless but necessary to make full use of the site.
Nexus Mods requires registration mainly for security, to ensure the people who make use of the site can be moderated properly. We like to keep the site clean and tidy, you see. There are also certain features on the site that just wouldn't work without having a membership system, like file uploads, commenting and endorsing, and we think requiring membership helps to encourage interaction in our community.
Ultimately, we believe 2 minutes of your time is a small price to pay for access to the large variety of mods available on Nexus Mods.
£0.00 /year
Access to over 200,000 mods
Access to Nexus Mods forums
100 private message allowance
£1.29 /lifetime
Access to over 200,000 mods
Access to Nexus Mods forums
500 private message allowance
No advertising
Supporter only image share
Premium (As Supporter+)
from £2.99 /month
Uncapped download speed
Multi-threaded downloads
Post edited November 07, 2018 by UhuruNUru