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X4 runs good on my Linux Ubuntu system, but when i want to install the DLC`s they don't except my original game folder. None of them.
The original game is not on the main system partition, but that shouldnt be the problem. During the installation of the sh installation file i can manually choose the game folder. But as mention above, the installer doesnt except the game folder.

Anyone who got the same issue or has an idea or workaround?

Thanks :)
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You are probably playing the German version....? The installation folder for this version has the "wrong" name (X4 Foundations German). So you have to set it up manually. But that works fine - or am I not understanding the problem correctly?
Yes, I have the german version. Your answer was not helping directly, but kept me trying it again.

Changing the directory into "X4 Foundations German" and installing it manually was not helping. My installation directory was, due to little disk space, on a ntfs3 partition on sdc7 and not in my home ext4. I guess there was the problem.

In the end, I partitioned my hard drive again, to give me enough space in my /home directory. Then installed the maingame and dlcs via terminal in the original directory.
Now it works.

Maybe this helps someone with the same problem.

general suggestions from a long time Linux user:

To avoid issues with the FHS I'd do at least(!) two partitions, mostly even on different hardware (SSDs these days), a small one for the / and a larger one for /home. This way one can easily vary, shrink or blow up, add more disks to /home when necessary. And of course one can always add new disks/pertitions etc. without having to do new partitioning with the existing stuff.

A bad habit under Linux is the use of blanks in file names. Don't do it if you can avoid it. Blanks are delimiters, they need to be escaped in scripts, disappear when passed along shells, in short they should to be left to their proper use or they can bite you. Use underscores instead, like ~/GOG_Games/X4_Foundations.