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OK, this is going to sound a little whiny, but I'm just exasperated.

Wreckfest is a brilliant game. The gameplay, the graphics, the physics, the learning curve - all top-notch.

But it's seriously damaged for me by the multiplayer issues. Online play requires that we go through the hassle of rolling back a version (which in turn, implies having to use GOG Galaxy. Sucks for those of us who dislike launchers and prefer the offline installers, but I accept I'm the one making my life more difficult there.)

As for LAN play, which is a major reason that I bought this game - it's utterly broken, with that "You are already logged in. Retry?" error whenever you try to join a LAN game.

I've raised support tickets several times, and have nothing to report. No response, no progress. I'd be happy even if they'd ignored me but posted a patched version of the game anyway - but no.

Honestly, I'm feeling hurt at this lack of response. GoG needs more AAA racing games and Wreckfest is a great start, but a half-working product like this? Frustrating.

Anyone else had better luck with LAN multiplay?
Huh. Two months later and no responses. I guess either multiplayer works for everyone else, or.. no-one apart from me is bothered by how badly it's broken.

Disappointing either way :'(
I wanted this one at launch but decided to hold off because of the issues I read about. Looks like nothing is fixed. It seems you have to put in a lot of research in when buying on GOG these days, gone are the days of impulse buys.
The problem is that LAN play does work with a Galaxy installation; it’s the offline installer that appears to be broken for it. Galaxy appears to be doing something post-install to make the profile unique for LAN and probably online play, but I haven’t figured out what to be able to do the same for an offline install.
This is really disappointing.
We're having a LAN right now and not everyone can even find the local server.
Not even sure what the problem here is, some people simply can't see it, other games work fine...

The "You are already logged in. Retry?" issue I think can be solved with a "tool" by Nemirtingas called Galaxy Emulator.
It can only be found on a rather shady site, but it replaces the Galaxy DLL files and allows you to set a different username and ID, so LAN play with the offline installer should be possible.

But of course no luck when some people can't even see the server...

They apparently planned an update to have all versions on all launchers/stores work together, but that still hasn't happened:
From what I read on the Steam news, the new cross-play update with EGS and Steam has been released. Any of you guys that own the game, can you check if any of the issues you had until now have been touched up? I've been thinking about getting this game for a year or so but the issues of the GOG version have always made me postpone the purchase.
Puntolory: From what I read on the Steam news, the new cross-play update with EGS and Steam has been released. Any of you guys that own the game, can you check if any of the issues you had until now have been touched up? I've been thinking about getting this game for a year or so but the issues of the GOG version have always made me postpone the purchase.
Brings a tear to my eye that this thread I started a year ago is still alive :)

Yes, I came here today because I see there's been an update to 1.0K posted to GoG. I wonder if it resolves any of these issues?

I'm downloading it now, and hope to post my findings shortly.

EDIT: I'm happy to report that the 1.0K version is able to connect to net games. I've just had a very enjoyable couple of races with complete - courteous - strangers. Won one, got my posterior handed to me in the second. Thanks, kind strangers for tolerating this noob :)

Will test LAN play when I can.
Post edited April 15, 2024 by threap