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How does the multiplayer work for the GOG version?
I hope it is LAN that can be played offline, without any DRM or matchmaking-servers. I don't have anything against those servers, but sometimes I just want to play locally.
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nilshi: How does the multiplayer work for the GOG version?
I hope it is LAN that can be played offline, without any DRM or matchmaking-servers. I don't have anything against those servers, but sometimes I just want to play locally.
I don't know personally, but the top review claims "There is a LAN option available ..."
nilshi: How does the multiplayer work for the GOG version?
I hope it is LAN that can be played offline, without any DRM or matchmaking-servers. I don't have anything against those servers, but sometimes I just want to play locally.
tfishell: I don't know personally, but the top review claims "There is a LAN option available ..."
I bought the game yesterday specifically for this feature, and yes, there does seem to be a local LAN play option - I can create a server, add bots, and the server is visible to other machines on my LAN. So far, so good.

HOWEVER... I've encountered a showstopper problem, and ended up here in the hope of finding a solution, because googling isn't turning up anything helpful.

When another PC attempts to connect to my LAN server, it gets an error "Already logged in. Retry?".

The player username (shown in the UI) for both PCs is "User", and I don't know how to change it in-game. (Actually, a thought just occurred to me... this is the Windows username on both PCs. Surely this game wouldn't be dumb enough to only allow 1 person of a particular Windows username to join a local server????)

Will continue to investigate and I'll report back any progress I make here.

Update: Well, mixed results. Yes, the in-game username that's displayed is just the Windows username. But no, changing this (I created a new Windows local user and re-ran the game) doesn't fix the "Already logged in. Retry?" message.
Perhaps a new copy of the game has to be purchased for each LAN user?
It's so rare these days to find a game that supports local co-op LAN play; my friends and I are stuck playing oldies like Age of Mythology and BF1942 for just this reason. I was really excited to see that Wreckfest supports it. And to be fair, it looks like it should...

Really frustrating. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else is encountering this issue.
Post edited March 11, 2023 by threap
setting up a LAN connection is a bit complicated, as you need to forward ports. I only have the steam version, so dunno about GOG version.
AZaph_gog: setting up a LAN connection is a bit complicated, as you need to forward ports. I only have the steam version, so dunno about GOG version.
Interesting. I'm not sure why a local LAN server-client connection would need any ports mapping; surely that's done to allow WAN devices to access devices on the LAN?
Do you have any guides to this for the Steam version? The info therein might be transferable to this GOG version.

Thanks for your reply!
Edit: You need Galaxy to play together on LAN. No "offline" version of LAN.

It has a LAN option, but probably not what you expected. I was able to set up a LAN server, join the lobby and play the multiplayer game solo (without Galaxy) for a test. But it gets a bit more complicated on how LAN is implemented in this game. It is set up in the same menu in which you also set up your own dedicated online servers on your PC. If I find out more I will update this post.

For advanced options: There's a dedicated server application / tool that you can start with the file "start_server.bat" in the game folder. The command "lan=1" will set the server to LAN instead of online.

Might help a little bit:

Edit: removed port forwarding guide quote
Post edited May 14, 2023 by yestok
yestok: It has a LAN option and it is available without Galaxy running. I was able to set up a LAN server, join the lobby and play the multiplayer game solo for a test. But it gets a bit more complicated on how LAN is implemented in this game. It is set up in the same menu in which you also set up your own dedicated online servers on your PC. If I find out more I will update this post.

Might help a little bit:

(For advanced options: There's a dedicated server application / tool that you can start with the file "start_server.bat" in the game folder. The command "lan=1" will set the server to LAN instead of online.)

One quote of the guide on steam:
Forwarding correct ports is an absolutely requirement for hosting a multiplayer game. If you have created a server yet there are no players joining it, chances are your router or firewall is incorrectly configured. In order to host multiplayer games [over Steam] your network must be configured to allow [Steam] access to the following ports:

UDP 27015
UDP 27016
UDP 33540
TCP 27015

After having been set up, your port configuration should look like this:

The local IP needs be that of the computer acting as a host. You can find out the local IP by invoking a command prompt (press Windows + R, type "cmd" and press Enter), typing "ipconfig" and pressing Enter again. You'll see a bunch of information, but the line you want to look for is "IPv4 Address" - the number at the end of that line is your local IP address.

Also make sure that your firewall is configured to allow inbound and outbound communication of the server/game executable. Many office networks and proxies block required ports for [Steam] operation – please consult your network administrator to ensure the required ports are open if you are using an office network or a proxy."

One comment specifies what these are used for:

The question is what applies to LAN.
Thanks Yestok, this is good info. I'm not sure why a LAN game - entirely local - would need ports opened/forwarded at the router to the Internet, but I'll try the dedicated server stuff. Yes, I can join a LAN server that I've created and play solo, but it's joining from another LAN PC that is giving me issues. Playing with myself... let me rephrase that, playing on my own... is no fun.
Post edited March 12, 2023 by threap
So I found out a bit more. When you use the dedicated server tool you can create a server without needing to enter the in game lobby. It also shows the name of the users that enter the server as well as their id in the command line interface. You can create, connect to a LAN server and "play" on it (1 Player) with a PC in your network with the Server on another PC in your network with both having the game installed without Galaxy. But here comes the catch, every PC with an offline installation (no matter the windows username) gets assigned the same id (with everyone bought its own copy). You can enter with PC 1 (username: User 1) on the LAN server and then leave and enter with PC 2 (username: User 2) or PC 3, ... that works, but the game uses the same id for all users and therefore they can't be at the same time at the LAN server and play, but they can at the same time see the LAN server. So you would need to change your id in order to play together on LAN. When using Galaxy it changes the id or what's called steam id. When it comes to my opinion LAN should work offline. Maybe the latest update changed something, but I haven't tested that yet.
I will change my review on the LAN part.
Post edited March 12, 2023 by yestok
Hi, what you mentioned seems to be the point: "But here comes the catch, every PC with an offline installation (no matter the windows username) gets assaigned the same id (with everyone bought its own copy). You can enter with PC 1 (username: User 1) on the LAN server and then leave and enter with PC 2 (username: User 2) or PC 3, ... that works, but the game uses the same id for all users and therefore they can't be at the same time at the LAN server and play, but they can at the same time see the LAN server."

a) I can create an LAN-Server ingame
b) someone else (family member) with the same offline-installation can join the game
c) the third family-member with the same offline-installation can't join the game

So the game's message is (when the third person tries to join): "Already logged in. Retry?". And this don't work.

In the past we played Divinity on LAN, which didn't cause issues. But it seems, that Wreckfest maybe checks the id's - I can't find another reason.
Thanks for all the posts.

To me what you all describe sounds like a piece of DRM. Mild DRM, but still.
I might just buy it out of technical curiosity by now and see for myself.
nilshi: Thanks for all the posts.

To me what you all describe sounds like a piece of DRM. Mild DRM, but still.
I might just buy it out of technical curiosity by now and see for myself.
I can confirm that it's a really fun game as single-player (and you can set up custom single-player events vs. bots). Right now all network play is broken; LAN for the reason discussed above, and Internet play's broken because the GOG version of the game is newer than the version being offered on Steam (and hence, 99.999% of the servers out there).

A fix for the latter is to roll back to the older version 1.0i; as for LAN play, who knows. Total silence from THQNordic and GOG on the matter.

Overall though, and call me a glutton for punishment if you will, I'm happy that I bought the game. There's enough value in the single-player modes for me, and I remain optimistic that multiplayer WILL get fixed soon in one way or another.
Post edited March 16, 2023 by threap
However, GOG (Good Old Games) is known for providing DRM-free versions of games whenever possible. But you will still have to buy proxies because not all countries have access. They often aim to offer games that can be downloaded, installed and played without requiring an internet connection or any additional DRM measures.
Post edited December 01, 2023 by benisfroms
After so long, no one has found a solution yet? :(
I bought this game just for the LAN mode. But since it doesn't work, the game is useless for me. Until there is no solution to play LAN games, the only option will be to call for a refund...
ORTEUM_: After so long, no one has found a solution yet? :(
Orteum_, I believe I have, although I haven't found time to test it yet. See my comment in another Wreckfest thread ("how can I choose custom pilot name?") about the new 1.0K patch (which allows Internet play) and the UniverseLAN tool. The latter wraps and extends GoG Galaxy's multiplayer capabilities; its stated primary purpose is to trick "internet multiplayer" games into working offline across a LAN, and it has the happy other capability of allowing you to set a custom player name even without using Galaxy.

Because of the way it works, I am 80% confident that it will resolve our specific issue with the "Already logged in. Retry?" message.

Watch this thread. If I can find time today, between looking after wife/goats/geese/ducks/dogs/fish, I will patch another PC on my LAN up to 1.0K and UniverseLAN, and try to set up a LAN multiplayer session.