sh4rp3r_gog: I had to Verify/Repair it from the client and that downloaded about 100+ MB and now it launched.
I just bought it yestersay, downloaded over night and installed today via GOG Galaxy 2.0.15 Beta.
On start I only get a black screen on monitor 2 (which isn't even set up as main monitor), the mousecursor shows as the known blue moving circle, then nothing until windows finally concludes that the WolfNewOrder_x64.exe stopped working.
Tried the repair option in GOG Galaxy, it too downloaded 128 MB of data, but at least for me it's still not working...
So apparently i got it fixed after some research. By the looks of it there are really a lot of users having the same issue, the game starts into a black screen and then crashes, but weirdly tons of different solutions that helped, most of which sadly were related to AMD driver problems which were of no help to me as i'm on Nvidia.
But looking through my qconsole.log found in
C:\Users\'YOURID'\Saved Games\MachineGames\Wolfenstein The New Order i found the following weird warning:
WARNING: Config file "wolfConfig.cfg" not found Some more searching finally got me to a fairly old post from 2017 on the
Steam forums pointing out that you can create that missing config file yourself by opening Notepad or similar Editors, copying the following content:
configVersion 1
bindset 6
bind "JOY1" "_menuaccept"
bind "JOY2" "_menucancel"
bindset 5
bindset 4
bind "ESCAPE" "toggleMainMenu"
bind "W" "_moveforward"
bind "E" "_use"
bind "A" "_moveleft"
bind "S" "_moveback"
bind "D" "_moveright"
bind "J" "_inventory"
bind "M" "_map"
bind "JOY3" "_useandreload"
bind "JOY5" "_moveleft"
bind "JOY6" "_moveright"
bind "JOY9" "toggleMainMenu"
bind "JOY10" "_inventory"
bind "JOY_STICK1_UP" "_lookup"
bind "JOY_STICK1_DOWN" "_lookdown"
bind "JOY_STICK1_LEFT" "_lookleft"
bind "JOY_STICK1_RIGHT" "_lookright"
bind "JOY_STICK2_UP" "_lookup"
bind "JOY_STICK2_DOWN" "_lookdown"
bind "JOY_STICK2_LEFT" "_lookleft"
bind "JOY_STICK2_RIGHT" "_lookright"
bind "JOY_TRIGGER1" "_moveback"
bind "JOY_TRIGGER2" "_moveforward"
bind "JOY_DPAD_DOWN" "_map"
bindset 3
bind "ESCAPE" "toggleMainMenu"
bind "1" "_weap0"
bind "2" "_weap1"
bind "3" "_weap2"
bind "4" "_weap3"
bind "5" "_weap4"
bind "6" "_weap5"
bind "7" "_weap6"
bind "Q" "_togglefiremodeleft"
bind "W" "_moveforward"
bind "E" "_togglefiremoderight"
bind "R" "_reload"
bind "A" "_moveleft"
bind "S" "_moveback"
bind "D" "_moveright"
bind "J" "_inventory"
bind "M" "_map"
bind "LALT" "_covermode"
bind "PGUP" "_lookup"
bind "LEFTARROW" "_lookleft"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "_lookright"
bind "PGDN" "_lookdown"
bind "MOUSE1" "_attack1"
bind "MOUSE2" "_zoom"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "_weapprevinv"
bind "MWHEELUP" "_weapnextinv"
bind "JOY3" "_useandreload"
bind "JOY4" "_prevequipweapon"
bind "JOY5" "_covermode"
bind "JOY6" "_quickgrenade"
bind "JOY9" "toggleMainMenu"
bind "JOY10" "_inventory"
bind "JOY_STICK1_UP" "_moveforward"
bind "JOY_STICK1_DOWN" "_moveback"
bind "JOY_STICK1_LEFT" "_moveleft"
bind "JOY_STICK1_RIGHT" "_moveright"
bind "JOY_STICK2_UP" "_lookup"
bind "JOY_STICK2_DOWN" "_lookdown"
bind "JOY_STICK2_LEFT" "_lookleft"
bind "JOY_STICK2_RIGHT" "_lookright"
bind "JOY_TRIGGER1" "_attack1"
bind "JOY_DPAD_UP" "_toggledualwield"
bind "JOY_DPAD_DOWN" "_map"
bind "JOY_DPAD_LEFT" "_togglefiremodeleft"
bind "JOY_DPAD_RIGHT" "_togglefiremoderight"
bindset 2
bind "ESCAPE" "toggleMainMenu"
bind "W" "_moveforward"
bind "E" "_use"
bind "A" "_moveleft"
bind "S" "_moveback"
bind "D" "_moveright"
bind "J" "_inventory"
bind "M" "_map"
bind "SPACE" "_sprint"
bind "MOUSE1" "_attack1"
bind "MOUSE2" "_zoom"
bind "JOY2" "_sprint"
bind "JOY3" "_attack1"
bind "JOY7" "_use"
bind "JOY9" "toggleMainMenu"
bind "JOY10" "_inventory"
bind "JOY_STICK1_LEFT" "_moveleft"
bind "JOY_STICK1_RIGHT" "_moveright"
bind "JOY_STICK2_UP" "_lookup"
bind "JOY_STICK2_DOWN" "_lookdown"
bind "JOY_STICK2_LEFT" "_lookleft"
bind "JOY_STICK2_RIGHT" "_lookright"
bind "JOY_TRIGGER1" "_moveback"
bind "JOY_TRIGGER2" "_moveforward"
bind "JOY_DPAD_DOWN" "_map"
bindset 1
bind "ESCAPE" "_menucancel"
bind "TAB" "_menutabtoggle"
bind "Q" "_menuextraaction"
bind "E" "_menualtaction"
bind "ENTER" "_menuaccept"
bind "JOY1" "_menuaccept"
bind "JOY2" "_menucancel"
bind "JOY3" "_menualtaction"
bind "JOY4" "_menuextraaction"
bind "JOY5" "_menutableft"
bind "JOY6" "_menutabright"
bind "JOY_STICK1_LEFT" "_movestick"
bind "JOY_STICK2_RIGHT" "_lookstick"
bindset 0
bind "ESCAPE" "toggleMainMenu"
bind "1" "_weap0"
bind "2" "_weap1"
bind "3" "_weap2"
bind "4" "_weap3"
bind "5" "_weap4"
bind "6" "_weap5"
bind "7" "_weap6"
bind "8" "_weap7"
bind "Q" "_prevequipweapon"
bind "W" "_moveforward"
bind "E" "_use"
bind "R" "_reload"
bind "A" "_moveleft"
bind "S" "_moveback"
bind "D" "_moveright"
bind "F" "_toggledualwield"
bind "G" "_quickgrenade"
bind "J" "_inventory"
bind "LSHIFT" "_sprint"
bind "Z" "_togglefiremodeleft"
bind "X" "_togglefiremoderight"
bind "C" "_crouch"
bind "M" "_map"
bind "LALT" "_covermode"
bind "SPACE" "_jump"
bind "F10" "devgui 1"
bind "F12" "screenshot"
bind "UPARROW" "_lookup"
bind "LEFTARROW" "_lookleft"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "_lookright"
bind "DOWNARROW" "_lookdown"
bind "MOUSE1" "_attack1"
bind "MOUSE2" "_zoom"
bind "MOUSE3" "_melee"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "_weapprevinv"
bind "MWHEELUP" "_weapnextinv"
bind "JOY1" "_jump"
bind "JOY2" "_crouch"
bind "JOY3" "_useandreload"
bind "JOY4" "_prevequipweapon"
bind "JOY5" "_covermode"
bind "JOY6" "_quickgrenadeandweaponsel"
bind "JOY7" "_sprint"
bind "JOY8" "_melee"
bind "JOY9" "toggleMainMenu"
bind "JOY10" "_inventory"
bind "JOY_STICK1_UP" "_moveforward"
bind "JOY_STICK1_DOWN" "_moveback"
bind "JOY_STICK1_LEFT" "_moveleft"
bind "JOY_STICK1_RIGHT" "_moveright"
bind "JOY_STICK2_UP" "_lookup"
bind "JOY_STICK2_DOWN" "_lookdown"
bind "JOY_STICK2_LEFT" "_lookleft"
bind "JOY_STICK2_RIGHT" "_lookright"
bind "JOY_TRIGGER1" "_zoom"
bind "JOY_TRIGGER2" "_attack1"
bind "JOY_DPAD_UP" "_toggledualwield"
bind "JOY_DPAD_DOWN" "_map"
bind "JOY_DPAD_LEFT" "_togglefiremodeleft"
bind "JOY_DPAD_RIGHT" "_togglefiremoderight"
vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly "256"
vt_pageImageSizeUnique "8192"
r_initialMonitor "1"
r_mode "32"
into the text field, then save as WolfConfig.cfg and place that created configfile in the
base folder within your Wolfenstein The New Order installation folder.
In my case this was G:\GOG\Wolfenstein The New Order\base
Shoutout to Dead Plc on steam, cheers mate and thanks for that tip!