crodgers: I can't find references to German version in the store pages, is it still there?
For store it never mentioned there incl for German region version of the store (it is not Availableat all... And still not available? Germans can get game as gift, all gifts on GOG are ROW region).
But it is still there. Look to "included in" Here. If it is still included in package that is still have store page - it is still on sale. I guess there is outdated and current store-packages. German version included everywhere as i see on gogdb.
Bundles is always been an issue here on GOG.
Initially it come like nowadays steam bundles of series. Just discount to add all packages. This feature technically still works. But rarely appear on store.
There is THREE MAJOR issues with bundles. Yo get it owned you need buy it. Buy separate items not grant you whole pafkage. It is not counted as owned and appear on Store/promos as not owned.
This first lead to two else. If there is additional download items added to bundle ID only - you wont get it on account if not buy exact bundle.
Look to GOG and MAGOG DB for info what you have and should have.
There is GOG Galaxy and website feature - Profile backgrounds like on Steam. Their granted for owning items. And if you buy game you get only one background. You you buy Deluxe bundle - you get two backgrounds images.
Bunle of two games eg Warcraft+Warcraft 2 do not have any special in bundle. But still gor bundle you get THREE bafkgrounds instead of two. And if you buy both games separated you again not getting bundle as owned.
For Wolfenstein specific info (or any else) look to GOGDB.
GOGDB have critical issues. Wolf2 Ghronicles is one of them. Theybare not appear on GOGDB (listed as Unknown Entry). GOG-DB-INFO fork of original gogdb list all entries and all prices for all regions wih whole history. But it was closed. ORiginal GOGDB updated bjt solve only few issues lost more history details never got price history and sill lost whole games (Bioshock and Freedom Chonicles).
For Galaxy backgrounds look to GALAXY BACKGROUND entry on specific game/bundle on GOGDB.