Posted February 12, 2016
Man, I just have the worst luck with GoG games. For every good one I buy, I end up with five that are stinkers in one way or another. With Return to Castle Wolfenstein, it's the control interface that's making this game damn near unplayable. Though it has the same control setup as every other FPS, something about this one just, for lack of a better word, sucks. Even with the mouse sensitivity turned all the way down, the tiniest flick of the mouse sends my view careening around, making me psychically sick. Even without running, the tiniest tap on my movement controls sends me forward like the friggin Flash. I'd think these would be game speed issues, but no, everything else in the game moves fine, it's just me. This game gives me eye strain headaches, and is pretty much unplayable. I'd like to enjoy it, but I can't. Anyone else have these problems, or a fix?