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v0.6.1.1 Hotfix (September 20, 2024)
• Hotfix for the broken Weapon selection wheel (woops!)
• Bug Fixed where mouse cursor stayed visible after closing game settings
• Level Editor: Added "Invert Mouse Y Look" toggle to first person view (SHIFT + M)
v0.6.1.0 (September 19, 2024)

• Wrong tutorial descriptions for Sorceress spells
• Bog Beast pulling the player through walls
• Save Games from user adventures not working
• Pressing 'Use Consumables' while looking at the map will consume consumables
• Enemies walking in the air in E1L05
• Typos in the welcoming message of the main menu
• Barrels near the wall can push the player out of level bounds when using Blink through them.
• Save & Load menus can't be navigated with the gamepad
• When playing with the gamepad, the cursor appears every time you open the Game Menu
• Breaking lantern with Mace's Charged if the lantern is above the player even without aiming at it


• The wand will only consume Raw Mana on successful creature hits (5 mana per projectile/hit).
• Blink damage increase from 10 to 20
• Push damage increased for enemies hitting the wall
• Mouse movement won't steal gamepad focus anymore
• The ammo icon is now showing the wand icon when you have the wand selected

Map Editor

• Two new actors were added for offsetting wall blocks to make taller structures/environments.
• Custom Flat Sprites support added.
v0.6.0.2 (August 16, 2024)
• Game crashing when trying to change Spell key bindings
Post edited September 20, 2024 by Berzerk2k2
v0.6.0.1 Hotfix (August 16, 2024)
With the last update, an invisible wall appeared in Grim Haven (E1L05) in front of the Mage Guild. This is now fixed and you should be able to proceed. Sorry for the setback and thank you for reporting the bug!
v0.6.0.0 Hotfix (August 15, 2024)

• Sorceress - new playable Character
The sorceress is a formidable magic wielder, relying upon raw arcane powers to dominate the battlefield. Clothed in flowing robes that accentuate her movements, she unleashes devastating as well as strong protective spells that make her untouchable.

Fast and deadly in the hands of experienced players.

Starting weapon: Wand
Spells: Blink, Frost Breath, Arcane Shield, Spellhaste
Ultimate ability: Emberstorm (burn enemies around you - killed enemies drop additional ammo)
Stats: This is the first new character we are adding to the game. We want each character to unlock a new way of playing the game by giving them a different starting weapon, spells, and stats.

• Updated Textures
Episode 1, especially the early levels, contained many textures designed at the start of the development. However, texture quality increased over time, so we revisited those textures and updated them to match the quality we strive for.

Bug Fixes

• Blinking out of the water current will keep moving the player
• Under specific circumstances, you could have water or level pieces where they weren't supposed to be ( e.g. blood pool risen in E2L06 while it should be down)
• Blinking out of the water current will keep moving the player
• Typos
• Some spell upgrades increase charges to wrong spells


• E1L02
- Gold Doors that were blocking the entrance to the Red Orb location were moved to block the entrance of the alley to minimize the possibility of getting lost and confused
• E1l03
- Removed divine shards from the first secrets and moved one of the bronze coin pile that could become unreachable by pushing a box over it.
• E1L05 & E1L06
- There are a few map fixes where you could glitch in falling blocks / skip important events by using Scroll of Blink

• Toggle between Free Look and Focus mode by pressing F/ DPAD-Up
• Place custom markers in Free Look mode so you can save points of interest

Level Editor

• Starting Arsenal
For each level in the user adventure, you can now decide what weapons and spells players will start with. The new default is Mace only, but user adventures that were uploaded prior to this patch will have settings set to All Spells and Mace only.

• Custom Sprites

Finally, you can define and start placing custom sprites in your user adventures. For now, this feature is limited to billboard sprites with the possibility of solid collision, but we will add additional options down the road, like having flat sprites, destructibles, containers...
v0.5.4.1 (June 26, 2024)

• The Adventure browser is showing better content now, and labels properly represent the entries list.
• Rats & Spiders can now be damaged & killed mid-air while leaping
• Hitting the leaping rat with a weapon that has a 'push-back' property will now decrease the leap speed


• [Murky Wastes] - Secret Area loot on the wooden box where the water floods stays underwater
• [Murky Wastes] - Various glitches
• Using Weapons and Spells in the Secret level
• Ammo text not updating when Storm Gauntlets alternative attack is used
• Playing User Adventures can load the wrong levels & textures
• Spiders not entering the hurt state when dealing damage

We also released Murky Wastes Vanilla as a user adventure, which is the original version of the Murk Wastes that was released with the initial Early Access version. This is to keep history alive so everyone can replay the old level whenever they want.
v0.5.3.2 (June 19, 2024)

• Silver Key missing in the Lighthouse (Grimbrook Haven - E1l05)
• Spiders can turn invisible on game load
• Spellstriker description typo
• Timed Run results are not uploaded to leaderboards for levels E2L10 and upwards.
• Can't escape the Custom Keybindings menu with the Back button
• Seer's Orb in E2L06 is on the ground instead of in the cage
v0.5.3.1 (June 18, 2024)

• Gold Key in E1L02 can't be obtained
• Final doors in the sequence at the end of E2L05 won't open
v0.5.3.0 (June 18, 2024)

• Episode 2 Boss level added - Stormkeep Spire (E2L07)


• Custom keybindings for Weapons and Spells added to Game Settings
• Highscores were renamed from "Episode 1" to "Overall" since they represent the overall score.
• HUD Skull icons updated to match those you pick up in the levels
• Destroying Chaos Hive in the air will spawn additional gibs and projectiles now as well (like it does when hitting the ground)
• If the Waypoint/goal is on another layer, the arrow next to it will indicate that on the map
• Saving during the boss fight is now disabled


• Some breakable walls are not getting destroyed
• Invalid tiles in E1L07
• Saving the game while on the Rat Mount, the Rat is not rideable when you load the game.
• Save/Load issue where you could spawn the same enemies over and over when mounting the Rat (that could lead to abusing the highscore)
• Chaos Hive issues with Enemy Count and Save/Load game
• Loot Disappearing
• Projectiles hitting Banshee's invisible collider
v0.5.2.3 (June 10, 2024)

• Divine Blast will now heal the caster for 7 health per enemy hit up to 200 health
• Divine Blast range slightly increased
• Tutorial Screen added when you mount the Rat for the first time
• Magic Maps added to E2L02 & E2L04


• If you save the game after riding the rat, the save file can't be loaded anymore (they should load correctly after this fix)
• Divine Blast meter not appearing on load/game start if the divine meter is full
• When your Rat Mount gets killed, the screen stays black
• When on Rat Mount, melee enemies deal damage to the Player instead of the Rat.
• Incorect texures in E1L04
• Invalid "Break Wall" in Weeping Gorge
v0.5.2.2 (June 8, 2024)

• (Level Editor) You can now set "Weather Change" on Passages
• Default FOV moved from 60 to 75


• Dead Skeleton appearing in hurt frame after game load
• It is raining in some interior places of E2L06
• Typos
• Circular weapon switch only works in one direction
• E1L06 (City of Ember) - Secret puzzle with spikes not working - spikes rising with walls
• E2L04 (Weeping Gorge) - Can walk from the inside the Temple's edge in the air
• Music not stopping when triggering Level Exit
• Bug with elevator switches in E2L02
v0.5.2 (June 6, 2024)

• Weeping Gorge difficulty pass made (now it's easier on lower difficulties)
• Spiders (Ranged and Melee) have slightly lower health now
• The first part of the Murky Wastes (E1L03) got slightly changed (in the previous hotfix) as a part ofbigger overhaul that the level is going through. Previous saves from this level might be broken now.
• Timed-Run competitive leaderboards added for Episode 2


• White color around the painting in E2L06
• Saving and loading give you an additional ammo
• Grim Haven & City of Ember music is switched
• PlayerLog getting too big, leading to a crash
• Sometimes, the game saved the wrong ambient
• Walk in the air in Murky Wastes (E1L03) cellar
• Multiple collision and texture issues in Warship Rampage (E2L02)
• Achievements for finishing levels of Episode 2 not working
v0.5.1 Hotfix (June 5, 2024)

• Difficulty setting adjusted for E2L01 and E2L02
• You can't switch to the Magic Bomb weapon anymore. They can only be thrown with the Magic Bomb quick action key now.
• When starting a level from level selection, you will start with your "best" weapon.
• Gamepad Left Trigger is no longer used for the "Walk" toggle.
• Gamepad Button X icon added above the Spells (X = toggle spells button)


• Spiders getting stuck in the air
• Dead Rat Mount leaving an invisible wall
• Black pixels removed from cave textures
• Save Slots not working when trying to save the game
• Can't exit the shop when playing with Gamepad
v0.5.1 (June 5, 2024)
New Features

• Sorcerer's Shop
You can now spend hard-earned treasures at the Sorcerer's Shop after each level to unlock weapon upgrades (secondary attacks), spell enhancements, and character improvements.

• New Weapon
Storm Gauntlets
- Use the gloves to master the energy of the Storm to caused quick and deadly damage to your enemies.

• Weapon Upgrades
Each weapon has a new, alternative attack mode that will spice up spellcasting. Unlock Fire Rings' Fire Breathing ability to burn enemies up close or spawn Pyroblast's Scrochlash orb that will act as a fire turret.
NOTE: Storm Gauntlets don't have the alternative attack yet.

• New Spell System
Learn up to 4 spells throughout the two episodes and combine them with your magic weapons to become the ultimate Mage of Wiozrdum. Defeating your enemies will replenish the spells so make sure you keep using them!
NOTE: Some spells were moved from consumables to the new Spell System (Repulsion, Hellfire, Wizard's Wrath).

• New Consumables
Consumables that moved to the Spell System were replaced with new Consumable Scrolls like Frost Breath, Blink, and Arcane Shield. Other additions, like Haste Potion, will make you move faster for a short duration.

• New Episode
Like the first episode, Episode 2 features 7 levels besides the bonus level. The secret level is also in development.
Please note that we had some unforeseen delays, so we had to ship this update without the final boss of Episode 2, but we will release an update soon after this update to conclude the story of this chapter.


• Fire spells will put players and enemies on fire
• Damage indicators added
• Magic Bomb counter is now displayed on HUD
• Pyroblast area of damage improvement
• Lots of bug fixes and changes.
• The gameplay area changed from one layer to all layers
v0.2.2.1 (February 17, 2024)
• Secret Achievement 'Happy Accident' is now correctly triggered
• If did one or more Timed Runs without getting the Achievement, the achievement should now be triggered appropriately when entering the menu.
• Damage dealt by fallen Chandelier slightly increased
• Bug where older save files are not loaded fixed

For yesterday's update, we changed the map file format, and in the process, some object IDs got mixed up, which broke the save games made before v0.2.2.0. We updated the levels so the IDs match an old save game work. However, this might break saves that were made after yesterday's event. Sorry for another batch of troubles regarding the save games.
v0.2.2.0 (February 16, 2024)

• Mace Charged Attack
• Hold an alternative attack button to make a charged mace attack, dealing x2 of the current damage to everything in front of you.
• Difficulty selection for User Adventures
• Dark Theme for the Map Editor (toggle option)


• When running out of mana, you will be switched to the next best weapon now (Pyroblast & Magic Orb bombs are ignored)
• Music for the 'Grimbrook Outskirts" & "Canal Streets" updated & extended to avoid repetition
• On the Level End screen, you need to press the "Fire" key now to avoid unwanted continue action
• You can speed up the stats counting in the level end screen by pressing a “Fire” key
• Dead Mage Body lying on the ground has a bigger interaction area, so it's harder to miss it now
• [Map Editor] Improved object connection process to avoid accidental connections
• [Map Editor] Removed all unused stuff from the level editor, so you can't place those anymore
• [Map Editor] We limited the User Adventure description to 250 characters, which is a limit on otherwise, Adventure won't get uploaded.
• [Map Editor] You can now shade tiles by holding the middle mouse button instead of clicking
• [Map Editor] Increased the amount of maps that can be included in the adventure (active or non-active)
• [Map Editor] Block-fill action keys changed from X/C to C/V
• [Map Editor] Edge Fence block type variations are now switched with "X" key instead of the Right-Click
• [Map Editor] Max Par Time limit increased from 999 to 9999 seconds


• Boss is not visible anymore before it sees you
• [Achievement fixes]
• - Fortune Finder
• - Treasure Hunter counter is increasing more reliably
• Selecting Save Game in the main menu will properly select that save now
• Flame Walls animation stops in E1M06
• Bat’s animation frame stray black pixel removed
• The Black Bar artifact in the main menu was removed
• You won’t get stuck anymore when changing weapons while doing the Divine Touch
• Haystacks won't reappear after being destroyed / on load
• Lanterns & Lantern Poles won't appear as lit after destroying them anymore
• Some Elite Ogre issues with save/ load fixed
• On some occasions, enemies won't pass the spikes
• When the body of water rises, enemies can now walk over it
• The main menu navigation is fixed for the User Content (Play) menu.
• All Candle Poles collisions adjusted
• Water ripples are showing correctly now in the game and level editor.
• Cases, where some enemies couldn't traverse open paths (most noticeable with Oozelings in the Sewers), are fixed
• Enemies won’t twitch on alert anymore, which moved them slightly away from the starting position
• Magic orb bombs will less likely to reflect from the enemies instead of exploding
• Hanging Skeleton won’t show "Blood hit" fx when hit anymore
• Treasure Goblin won’t count towards the global enemy count after spawning.
• Bug fixed where opening a Map revealed everything for a quick moment
• [Map Editor] When placing the Treasure Goblin Spawner object without target nodes, the goblin will now spawn on the object's position instead of triggering an error
• [Map Editor] Bug where ‘Create new Adventure' is displayed over existing adventure fixed
• [Map Editor] Bug where not all maps from the adventure are listed fixed
v0.2.1.4 (January 5, 2024)
It seems that with the previous hotfix (v0.2.1.3), we introduced a bug where it could happen that you couldn't switch weapons anymore. This game-breaking issue is now fixed.
v0.2.1.3 (January 4, 2024)
Fixes / Updates

• Fixed a corner case where Dynamically spawned loot (from chests, barrels, urns, bodies...) disappeared if you saved and loaded the game two times without collecting the loot. In that case, you couldn't get the 100% loot ratio.
• Ice-shattered Skeleton Swordsmen sometimes didn't award you a kill, which could prevent you from reaching a 100% kill ratio. This shouldn't happen again now.
v0.2.1.2 (January 3, 2024)

• Time Run highscores enabled for the Secret Level
• When starting a Time Run for the Grimbrook Outskirts, the story screen will be skipped now
• Music will now pause when opening the main menu

Bug Fixes

• On some rare occasions, the Main Menu didn't show for some players, preventing them from playing the game. It was hard to hunt this one down, but that's fixed now.
• [Mourning Grounds] One of the pickups (Chalice) was positioned inside the wall, which prevented the player from reaching a 100% loot ratio. We moved it out of the wall now.
• [Grim Haven] Position of the Urn that drops unreachable Silver Coins fixed
• [Secret Level] The Issue where the player appeared out of the level on game load was fixed.
• Secret Level achievement that was not triggering is working now. If you unlocked the level already, then you will be awarded the achievement upon entering the game.
• [Map Editor] Passages placed on the upper or lower level won't prevent the level from loading anymore.
• [Map Editor] Selecting items is not nudging them from their position now
• Big Doors that turned into a pink square can't be destroyed anymore.
• Few visual glitches fixed
• When dying and the Game Menu pops up, you can't close anymore now
v0.2.1.1 (December 29, 2023)
Fixes / Updates

• Games saved during Level 1 (Grimbrook Outskirts) when playing on Hard or Nightmare couldn't be loaded due to some level issues. We fixed that now and double-checked the rest of the levels to ensure the same thing doesn't happen again.
• A few minor changes and fixes applied to a few things in the new Secret Level
v0.2.1.0 (December 29, 2023)

• Secret Level
• added to Episode 1 - can you find the entrance to the perilous Well of Wishes?


• Lots of optimizations that improve overall performance

• New Save System
• to support long-term stability (Old saves won't work anymore, but you can use the backward compatibility branch v0.2.0.4 to keep playing on the old version without losing the saves.)

• Skeleton Crossbowman Arrows has a visual trail now for better detection
• Your overall score is now displayed in the level selection menu and in the leaderboard menu
• if your score is not on the list.
• Game Messages (pickup log...) moved from top left to middle left
• Save/Load menus slightly updated to avoid additional clicking
• Additional confirmations added for quit/restart/load, etc.
• [E1L04 - Mourning Grounds] After solving the last puzzle, switches will disable now
• [E1L04 - Mourning Grounds] Minor update to prevent the possibility of skipping a monster closet, and with that,
• [Map Editor] Help Button added that will take you to Wizordum's page with official level editor guides.


For this update, we mainly focused on the Secret Level, optimizations, and the new Save Game system, so we didn't pay much attention to the rest and only fixed what we could in the given time. Please note that all bug reports are noted and put on our to-do list. Rest assured, we will get to them!

• Broken achievements fixed (Hydrated, Fortune Finder, Treasure Hunter)
• You can now skip the story and splash the screen with any input key, not just mouse clicks.
• Bug fixed where all Undead started hidden even when they were flagged as risen.
• Unlit Street lamps can be destroyed with mace now
• When saving after teleporting, the correct ambient will be applied on load now
• Treasure Goblin trigger won't re-activate on Game Load anymore to avoid endless score grind
• If the game is saved while the Treasure Goblin is spawned, the goblin will properly load with the load game
• The issue where you couldn't traverse through some passages on game-load is solved (eg. one at the end of the Mourning Grounds)
• Fixed various visual issues (z-fighting, wrong textures, etc.)
• Bat's shadow will disappear now if you freeze and shatter it
• Undead that has risen will now appear as risen on game load even if you don't damage them.
• [Map Editor] Weird behavior for moving objects that snap to tile solved
• [Map Editor] When creating and saving a new map, it will now appear in list of Adventure maps
• [Map Editor] Assigning a new map to the adventure will now work without restarting the game
• [Map Editor] Moving effector/actors that snap to tile won't snap to invalid position anymore
• Various minor fixes in levels & game systems


We realize that we still have to do a lot of fixes and updates to support the gamepad fully, but with this update, you should be able to play the game only with the gamepad, without the assistance of the mouse.

• The gamepad will be detected and used if you plug it in/turn it on when the game is already running
• You can navigate all the menus with the gamepad now
• Missing sounds when navigating the settings
• You can now change any "Selector" values with keys/gamepad (e.g., crosshair selector)
• Showing gamepad buttons on interaction actions
• The game will live-switch between Keyboard and mouse / Gamepad, depending on what you're using, and change input icons and show the mouse cursor accordingly.
v0.2.0.4 (December 5, 2023)
New & Updated

• First snowflakes appeared on the Main Menu
• Bonus Level won't automatically finish anymore after beating all the Royal Piglets.


• Achievement 'Fortune Founder' can be achieved now
• Achievements won't trigger in user levels anymore
• Holes and Tile issues in 'Grim Haven' patched
• Performance increased in the 'Murky Wastes'
• Enemies won't rise up from the dead after you die anymore
• Dead bats reappearing on load
• Skeletons that are faking death won't mess up the events that require kills to proceed anymore (happening in Mourning Grounds)
• Main Menu navigation fixed/improved (overlapping menus, back key not working on som menues, etc.)
• Hidden Magic Floor will appear on the game load if you have Seer's orb now
• Iceweaver weapon won't get stuck after trying to use Alternate Fire while Quick Mace action is active
• Weapons won't get stuck after using Divine Touch during any quick-weapon action
• Enemies can now walk over the Magic Floor once you find the Seer's Orb
• Passages that you traversed before the save game will properly show as "visited" on the map on the game load.
• In some cases, some passages' textures didn't switch to 'opened' when traversing - fixed!
• Smashed hanged mage's body won't re-appear on load!
v0.2.0.3 (December 1, 2023)
New & Updated

• Consumable items are now limited to 10 per type
• Missing Achievement icons added
• Game saving disabled in the bonus level
• Frozen enemies will shatter into ice gibs/cubes
• [Map Editor] You can now enter the First-person Edit Mode with F1 key as well


• In Mourning Grounds, we updated the room after the golden-key doors so the gates close faster in order to avoid the skeleton escaping
• Broken achievements fixed
- Adventurer
- No Stone Left Unturned
- Mage Runner achievement won't be awarded in the bonus level anymore
- Frost Mage achievement fixed
- Treasure Hunter will count treasure items correctly now
• Key Rebinding Reset will save the reset state
• Bug fixed where you could loot dead bodies over and over
• Ogres appearing on the crates
• Saving in the middle of the Boss fight won't break the save anymore
v0.2.0.2 (November 30, 2023)
New & Updated

• Epilogue story after completing the Episode added


• Boss will die properly now
• You can't navigate the menu anymore when the welcome message is present
• You can now close the Key Binding menu with the 'Back' key
• Loading Bonus Map from other levels and beating it won't mark the former level as finished now
• Bonus Map "best" time won't apply to the previous map anymore
• Ogre won't appear on top of the crates anymore in E1L05 (moved to the ground)
• Tiles and walkable pits fixed on all levels that had this problem
• Frozen enemies standing on blocks, won't fall into the after they unfreeze
• Placing an empty "Creature Riser" object in the level editor won't crash the level anymore
• Keybindings will save properly after Reset now