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VAMPIRE SUCKS!!!! if you can't keep your HP up they die way to easy.

Anyone know how to get rid of vampirism if at all?
There isn't one. There are multiple ways to deal with having the condition, but the only "cure" is to reload.

Biting Enemies - it is possible to take down a certain dragon with just biting.
Vine Spell "Toughen" - 10 HP per cast.
Fiend Spell "Lifesteal"
Statues of Gael Serran - 100% full heal, free.

Later edit for anyone who may search "vampire":

In Skull Castle there is an option to get a "Vampire Ring", which decreases the health draining on your character. You can also delay becoming a vampire until this point. This is the most helpful item in the game for a vampire.

Note that a vampire Dual Wielding or Unarmed (with Keepsake or Breather in offhand) will attack *extremely quickly* at night time. Two enchanted weapons at night on an Assassin vampire is the most damage I have achieved ingame. The Invisibility spell makes it ridiculous. Those who want to keep a Boogre character can counteract their slow speed with this method at night, as well.
Post edited February 04, 2019 by Lysanafae