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The Gog version of the game has been very stable for me so far. Now I have met an annoying bug: When I try to re-enter Stout Mines, Pastolio says "I'll let you out" and the way in remains shut. this was accompanied with the Miner's Writ duplicating in several characters' inventory. I just have to revert to an earlier save. I seem to recall that you cannot cast Teleport spells inside areas that have to be loaded separately, so I just have to make enough saves. I collect too much stuff to do the mines without visiting Ishad N'ha. BTW, I did the mines once already but noticed that I missed the Assassin's Dagger and wanted to do some other things differently, too.

Another thing is that Jeff Ludwig's mod doesn't seem to be completely compatible with the new game. At least in my computer the Serpent's Wand isn't usable in the mod, which is quite gamebreaking. I used to do some switching between those two and noticed that ankhs acquired in one game showed 0 as their number in the other.
I got this error as well and unfortunately I don't have a good save spot prior to it. I have duplicate writs in my inventory as well and the dwarf only wants to let me 'out' even theugh the out door is open and won't let me 'in' to the mines.
Post edited November 07, 2018 by bislab
I found a work around!

I'm not sure WHICH of these two things worked, but one of them did and I can now get the mine door to open:

Cast TELEPORT on the dwarf that opens the door - the spell fizzels
Cast CREATE PORTAL on the dwarf which does not fizzle, then try to teleport to him..that does fizzle

ONE or perhaps both of those things were enough for the game to reset the mine door.
I had that bug too, but the solution was like giving a different item for "resetting" the conversation. It worked even with different npcs
drk84x: I had that bug too, but the solution was like giving a different item for "resetting" the conversation. It worked even with different npcs
I have the same problem, and none of my saves are old enough. II have tried the teleport fix, and I have tried using other items, but no luck. There's no way back in unless someone has a different trick. ARG!!