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Hello WIZ8 veterans,

I started another Wizardry run, but quickly realized that the GOG version is no longer compatible with my Win10 version. So I installed FanPatch 1.28 and it works.

I'm in Trynton in the current run and every time at about this point in the game when the spell 'Hypnotic Lure' is available, I'm tempted to play the rest of it without sound, as this horrible sound of this otherwise great spell just drives me mad!!! 'o_O”

This time I tried to tackle the problem via Cosmic Forge. (I downloaded the latest version, including the required dlls here: )
Stored it in a seperate directory, outside 'x86 UAC territory'.
I was able to find the spell in the CF Editor without an issue, and the sound was also changed quickly, but I just don't understand how this is supposed to work with the CF Injector and wiz8 1.28!
The changes are saved and also (in my opinion) stored correctly, namely as *.dbs files in the **\Wizardry 8\Data\databases folder, and an *.mls file is also created in the 'spells' folder.
However, the changes are not applied!
My guess is that the correct *.exe is not being used with the CFInjector, or get lost somehow.
I have adapted the batch file 'W8LaunchWithAgent.bat' as shown below, whereby the Wizardry-EXE to start 1.28 has also been renamed to Wiz8.exe:

echo off
CFInjector.exe “D:\GOG Galaxy\Games\Wizardry 8\Wiz8.exe” “D:\GOG Galaxy\Games\Wizardry 8\Wiz8.exe”

The game starts without the 1.28 launcher, I can load my saves, but unfortunately there is no trace of the changes made with CF.

Anyone have any tips on how to use CF with 1.28?
Any help would be appreciated.
Post edited March 02, 2025 by B4PH0
Regarding the initial issue, find a working Hypnotic Lure of different appearance ehere:

Note the zip archive contains a rar archive, bc the boards software does not accept the rar extension,
i.e. you have to unpack it 2 times.
Pls check the contained file readme.txt for info on how to install erc,
in particular how to delete only the visual or audio part and keep the other.

Optionally have any wav file at 16bit 22.05 or 44.1 kHz (not 48kHz!)
name it Hypnotic_lure.wav and place it in folder \data\spells\sounds
(may have to create the folder, or overwrite an exising file placed there by your previous CF changes)

Generally all changes on spell appearance etc depend on external data, not the exe,
so it does not matter whether you use early 1.0, 1.24 aka the one that comes with gog Wiz8, or 1.28,
they will all use the new hypnotic lure data and play it as intended in game.
I.e. something else must have gone wrong.
Also, injection is not required for mere changes on spells/monster/etc appearances,
only for stuff that is marked with iir 2 asterisks in one of CFs subeditor,
but best rely on tutorial for more precise info on that.


Sorry if you were already at postcount and despaired because only registered users can download the archive,
I have now added a public link
Post edited March 03, 2025 by townltu
Thank you so much for your work, townltu!

unfortunately, I did not manage to get it to work.
I strictly followed the readme during the installation, and in my opinion everything is installed correctly,
in Data\spells as well as Data\spells\bitmaps and Data\spells\sounds (see also attached screenshot).
But unfortunately Wizardry ignores the change - just like with the CF files I created myself.

Could it be that the change is only applied to a new game?
Unfortunately, I can't test it with the original exe, as it no longer runs on my current system...

Anyway, I want to thank you again for your time and effort and for creating and reuploading the file on postcount!!
Much aprecciated!
Could it be you have installed the game in an uac protected folder?

If so move or copy the whole game folder into a neutral folder like [drive letter]:\games\wizardry8,
also whatever files&folders you can find in the corresponding folders of the user account, then try again.
Some changes only appear the first time you load an area on a new game. If area already has been visited, no change until new game or load a game before visiting the area. However, stuff like editing enemy textures or item stats will load just fine on the old save.

Your spell changes certainly should show up, so the other possibility,

May be a long-shot, but are you by chance using "Parallel World" feature in the fan patch? It would possibly just be a copy of the base-game.

Otherwise, I'm not quite sure why your changes would not show up, unfortunately!
Post edited March 04, 2025 by Lysanafae
townltu: Could it be you have installed the game in an uac protected folder?
Nope, my games are installed in D:\GOG Galaxy\Games

I have now reinstalled the game again, in a separate folder.
This time I added the mod first, then installed the 1.28 patch.
Then I copied over the savegames from the 'old' installation.
And lo and behold: The mod is executed - but now the following error occurs:
"Missing texture file: Data\Spells\Bitmaps\panelback_blu_05.jpg"
Unfortunately, the file from the error message does not actually exist in the downloaded archive.
So I quickly copied the file 'panelback_blu_04.tga' and renamed it to 'panelback_blu_05.tga' and it works!!!

Many thanks to all Wizardry 8 Pros involved!!!

Edit - Another thing I wanted to add:
The new sound for Hypnotic Lure is really well done and fits perfectly @townltu ! :D
Post edited March 04, 2025 by B4PH0