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It seems that the game wants you to do the Al-Sedexus quest first, to become Rapax Templars first, then to visit the Rapax Away Camp later. In this way, you can visit the Rapax King, and interrogate the prisoners, one Umpani, and one T'Rang.

However, doing it in this manner guarantees that you will set the Rapax Templar faction to hostile, if you do it the "normal" way, freeing Rodan and Drazic.

Therefore, I suggest doing it the opposite way. With a high enough level party, you can force your way into the Rapax Away Camp. The Rapax guarding the camp will attack, but if you use Instant Death magic on them, you can still maintain your Neutral rating with them. Failing that, you can still just slaughter every enemy Rapax in the camp, including the Stockade Guard, and the Rapax King (note that he is immune to Instant Death magic, and you will have to hack him down in melee).

The only 3 characters left alive should be Rodan, Drazic, and the Rapax Queen. Take the first 2 to their leaders, and let the last one ponder the meaning of life.

After cleaning house, do the Al-Sedexus quest (all Rapax you slaughtered before don't matter). You now have a Friendly rating with both the Rapax Common and Rapax Templar factions. Just make sure to disable Al-Sedexus in round one, before she starts summoning reinforcements, to keep your faction ratings good.
Doin the whole camp via instakill spells at the lvls i usually go there is too tedious in my book
(as is hoarding gazillions of XP instead of doin many runs)

You can climb up the cage platform, which has physical walls that block attack but not vision.
so you only have to death-bomb (from the Don) the guard, his companions and the 2 archers,
And whatever was in line of sight to these when you started combat in a fit of stupidity.

btw RAC, the recipe to kill the Prince in the tent:
Have all characters locked to ranged weapon, use max dmg ammo, preferably poisoned (Death Stars),
remove items that grant att bonus and replace eg w Ankh of Might
Open curtain from the side (it doesnt work in combat)
Start combat surprise turn and select to launch iirc 4 sonic booms (spell bomb)
and make sure to cover the max amount of targets, also try hard to freeze flesh the concubines in the tent,
set a Lure at the entrance threshold
In turn 2 select to run into the tent next to the prince so that he nearly covers the entrance,
and also one of the hopefuly frozen ladies almost completly, attack her(assign 2 keys for strafe and only hit for millisecs)
Its crucial to have him cover the actual target almost completely, so strafe away until attack symbol turns red, then go back tiny steps and test on each one if manual target is possible, as auto target does not trigger yet.
Keep casting freeze/web/lure whatever locks targets in place at ladies and whatever appears in the entrace
(or may soon, observe radar and identify groups via test-targeting),
so you dont have to rearrange and fine tune position every turn.
Note here it may be an advantage to lose Ini due to "move party" bc enemy movement is done when you select the target, also heal/buff that target

Given the amount of targets it shouldnt be too hard to get enough strayed projectiles and poison dmg on the "wrong" target.
Congrats, this was the easy one, now its time to head to the castle
where there are rarely wandering patrols passing near the Prince's room
and a few placed one in reach of squared spells.
So few targets that you may want to exclude characters who frequently fail to miss the prince with strayed projectiles,
and cause so much dmg on the actual targets that they die in 1 turn despite casting heals and GA on them.

For the 3rd and actually active version, you can go to AP with not more than 1 artifact and landslide not yet happened.
Set a portal few meters N/E to the loot(powder bag), teleport to pick up 2nd artifact, come back to arrive next to the guy, and whole army within range.

btw, for other "canot be fought with" monsters like Aletheides at Monastery(the 3 AP versoins will break the game!)
you can select to throw a Canned E and in same turn cast Itch in that direction with a slower character.
Post edited February 19, 2025 by townltu
townltu: For the 3rd and actually active version, you can go to AP with not more than 1 artifact and landslide not yet happened.
Set a portal few meters N/E to the loot(powder bag), teleport to pick up 2nd artifact, come back to arrive next to the guy, and whole army within range.

btw, for other "canot be fought with" monsters like Aletheides at Monastery(the 3 AP versoins will break the game!)
you can select to throw a Canned E and in same turn cast Itch in that direction with a slower character.
* One thing I've been wondering: If you set a portal where the landslide is going to occur before it happens, then get the landslide to happen, then cast Return to Portal, what happens?
* Similar can be asked about the Rapax Away Camp, with the additional possibility of it reverting to the Wilderness Clearing if you store artifacts.
* Can you kill the Dark Savant in the swamp? If so, what happens?
dtgreene: ...
* One thing I've been wondering: If you set a portal where the landslide is going to occur before it happens, then get the landslide to happen, then cast Return to Portal, what happens?
* Similar can be asked about the Rapax Away Camp, with the additional possibility of it reverting to the Wilderness Clearing if you store artifacts.
* Can you kill the Dark Savant in the swamp? If so, what happens?
Not quite sure about the slide, and atm too lazy to look up in CF Loc Editor, sorry.
I know the Landslide is a dynamic object which emerges from below ground,
so there should be physical faces which work as usual if its not yet raised.
So my somewhat educated guess is you arrive inside the dynamic object
as long as you arrive and touch its physical walls, which btw should be single sided,
so they are invisible from inside and you can pass through to the outside.

It may be different if you portal in and simultaneously trigger the lansdslide,
the DO may not raise fast enough for party to land inside, in which case it probably lifts the party.

Both options are rather easy to test in game, no editor required

Yes RAC is quite special, and potentially gamebreaking if party stores 2 or more artifacts there in a chest and leaves,
so save before you test it!
(also save before you talk to Antone about "alliance", he will assume its about DS-Rapax allaince and attack, no matter at what stage)

You can kill DS in swamp.
If you e.g. manage to freeze valid target(s) next to him and kill him with strayed from far, so his speech does not trigger,
you may be softlocked out if Don will never get the real AD bc the DS does not drop fake(dunno),
but perhaps he does get it after you already bought the fake (would at least fit perfectly for razuka)

If you quicksave while he starts to speak and reload that save
he will have dropped the fake AD and then stand there for the rest of the game, offering you plenty of opportunity to do the job.
Keep in mind ranged attack enemies may also accidentially hit the DS, best are low number hvy hitters as 10 flyers will swarm out and only 1 has good chance to hit your DS-cover.

Forgot to mention Bela, if party/player is evil enough, he drops a nice caster ring.
Stay at distance and watch him patrol, also know at what distance to party he stops and lands.
When he approaches the narrowest spot of the path, force him to land, mare sure to stand on the upper side, wait.
Flying snakes big enough will not be able to pass and only one can attack,
perfect scenario to endure the battle if you have a ton of healing
Best results offer big flying snakes with huge poison dmg on their ranged spitting,
think the LVL25+ are so big they cant pass.
Post edited February 19, 2025 by townltu
I'm pretty sure that, playing normally, you can eradicate the bad guys, and save the good guys.

Note that, I have "Five Guys" on my radar. These are: Rattus Rattus, Milano Calzone, Don Barlone (Mafia scumbags), Crock (Redneck kidnapper), and The Rapax King (Rapist, kidnapper, and a genocidal maniac). I don't know how anybody could morally argue with whacking these 5.

After this, it's just a matter of killing the Rapax High Priestess, the Lava Lord, El-Dorado, and Al-Sedexus. Note that Al-Sedexus is a Demoness, not actually a Rapax. Your faction rating won't be harmed by killing her directly.

Edit: The Rapax Prince and the Dark Savant will get theirs eventually, just by playing normally. I prefer to let the natural order of things play out, but you all play how you want to.
Post edited February 20, 2025 by RChu1982