Posted February 09, 2025
The question becomes: To whack Crock or not?
Once your party gets all that they want from him: Spellbooks, Stiletto for your Rogue, Greenwood Bow for your Ranger, Wrist Rockets for your casters, Amulets of Healing and Mana Stones for everybody, he is an easy target, as he isn't part of any faction.
By whacking Crock,
1. You prevent a kidnapping of one of your party members.
2. You get access to his treasure chest (note that he is the only NPC guarding a chest)
3. He isn't part of any faction (he looks like a Human/Higardi, but nobody cares if you whack him).
Once your party gets all that they want from him: Spellbooks, Stiletto for your Rogue, Greenwood Bow for your Ranger, Wrist Rockets for your casters, Amulets of Healing and Mana Stones for everybody, he is an easy target, as he isn't part of any faction.
By whacking Crock,
1. You prevent a kidnapping of one of your party members.
2. You get access to his treasure chest (note that he is the only NPC guarding a chest)
3. He isn't part of any faction (he looks like a Human/Higardi, but nobody cares if you whack him).