Posted May 30, 2013
It’s kind’of hard to give you tactical advise when you didn’t tell us what class/ race your party consists of... probably best to start your own post as well.
I used a wide variety of characters, 2 fighters, a priest, a bard, an alchemist and a ranger. If I remember correctly, none of them had over 6HP. I'm guessing I just need to devote more points into VIT.
Another tip, it might take awhile, but you want to have pretty high bonus stats for your characters. 18 is kind of the sweet spot of being not too difficult to get, but providing a great boost to their effectiveness.
The bonus stats, however, are really more about being able to switch into a different class. Switching classes will reset your stats to the race or class base, but you gain skill points upon each level up and retain your hit chance and everything, so it is a good idea. I think the common advice for new players is to switch at about level 5, so invest the bonus points so you can switch without worrying about your random stat gains on level up. This can also allow people in your party to pick up spells, which is always a good idea, or things like Ninjutsu and Kirijutsu, which are very useful abilities.
It's worth noting though that the stat reset will likely prevent you from switching more than a couple times unless your gaming your level ups for the bonuses you want.
You should also definitely, definitely multiclass your casters. You get to choose more spells and have more mp for casting, and increase your skills at each level up. It's kind of funny, you can get 10 levels in mage or priest, switch, and get 10 levels in priest or mage before a Bishop will get to level 11.
If you don't want to bother, switching isn't really required, but definitely get high bonuses and use your Bard!