townltu: Casting one of the "traveling spells" aka missile shield, armour plate, enhanted blade, x-ray etc while they are active
will only grant the chance of a skill increase if you cast them at one or more power lvl(s) higher than the already active power lvl.
Actually, that's not how it works.
These spells actually act on what I call a "practice timer", as I mentioned above. Whether the spell is active doesn't matter, nor does it matter whether or not the spell is used at a higher power level than before. All that matters is whether the spell has been recently cast; if it has (regardless of success), and the game hasn't been loaded since then, the spell will not count for practice.
As I mentioned above, you can cheat the system (even on Iron man mode) by saving and reloading after each cast to keep getting practice. Note that this is, I believe, more cumbersome on Iron Man (because I believe you have to exit the game and restart after each casting), and is likely not worth it on a period computer (as it takes too long to load your save), but on a modern computer without Iron Man, it is actually rather fast.