Middlestick: Weird game crash when trying to enter Umpani Base Camp,
Debug assertion in module C:\Projects\Wizardry 8\Local code\PC
Item.cpp line 578 failed:
Experssion [ uiMAX_DICE(pMulti) < 256 ] evaluates to false.
Anyone know what's going on?
I ran into this on a chest I edited. It appears the stack item quantity max is 255. For example, if you edited bullet stone stacks to have > 255, and there are stones on the ground for pickup, it will run this error.
It appears the maximum space allowed for picked up items is 2 hexadecimal characters (FF being the maximum at 255).
I tested this with a chest. I set stones to 1000 per stack and got the error. Set them to 256, and got the error.
When I set the item to 255, the err didn't recur.
If you're getting the error from just entering the Base, there may be something in that area with a single stacked item (on the ground) with more then 255 in the stack.
Side note and other semi-related:
The only way I can see (could be wrong) that the musket would be the problem is if you changed the max charges to be > 255.
If you've mod-ed or used the forge to change musket balls, try reducing it to 255 per stack and see if that fixes the problem without having to drop equipment.
Gold's maximum is 255*255 + 32000 maximum without error.