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First of all, please make the Digital Eclipse intro skippable as it is quite long and, to be honest, annoying. On the other hand, just deleting the file works fine, so it's not much of an issue.

Another issue I had. Sometimes after quitting and restarting the game you can't enter places, especially the inn. This may or may not be connected to my messing with the save file in between, but it is absolutely unpredictable and usually quitting and restarting again fixes it.

Then, as I have already said in another post, please don't use left/right ALT. On a german keyboard right ALT is ALT GR and that seems to send CTRL+ALT to the game.

And there is a problem with the ingame minimap. If you walk far enogh to the north it appears as if you were walking into the southern areas you already have explored. These parts of the minimap are then overwritten tile by tile which makes the whole thing an unreadable mess.
Looks like the minimap scrolls around but is smaller than the actual dungeon; not a good idea.
The size of each floor is 20x20 tiles and is construc like a "loop"
So If you go straight to north, by design you can get to the southest part of the floor

Or sometimes you can walk on a teleporter and the minimap is redrawing the map because you don't know where you are (unless you cast Dumapic)
Antenyl: Or sometimes you can walk on a teleporter and the minimap is redrawing the map because you don't know where you are (unless you cast Dumapic)
I'm thinking that maybe they should have made the minimap automatically clear itself as soon as an inconsistency happens. This way, the minimap wouldn't appear messed up when this happens.

Or, alternatively, there should be some button you could press to clear it, once you realize you're not where you'd expect..

(Of course, Dumapic should reset it, though I don't know how the case with minimap present, but text DUAMPIC, is handled or should be handled.)
I used DUMAPIC. I didn't get teleported and I really was where I thought I was. Still the minimap was wrong.