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high rated
Hey all. If you've been on this journey with us, you probably noticed that the 0.4 update included a ton of big features like full animation sets and original music -- stuff that feels suspiciously like we're getting toward the end of the early access period. That's for good reason! Throughout this process, we've tried to post roadmaps with what changes you can expect for the next big update, but now we're focused on bugs, polish, and those last-mile tasks that every team must accomplish to bring a game to 1.0 status.

Does this mean perfection awaits? Almost certainly not! There's a high chance there will still be bugs, if only because humans make games and humans make mistakes and therefore humans make mistakes in games. We hope you'll continue to help us track them down as you have for the last several months because, like you, we don't want glitches getting in the way of the fun.

And while you align your expectations, it's worth noting that we received a ton of suggestions for features, upgrades, and revisions over the last several months, but not all of them are feasible here. As much as we've wanted to add quality-of-life improvements to this game, we also do not want to fundamentally change what Wizardry: PGMO is. The line between preserving gaming history and making a game fun and accessible to modern players can be a pretty fine one at times; inevitably, tinkering with a classic goes too far for some and not enough for others. So if your suggestion isn't implemented, please don't assume "the devs didn't listen" or "the devs don't care" -- we listened, we discussed internally, and oh my goodness yes we care a tremendous amount about both the game's integrity and player satisfaction. It's subjective by nature, but making decisions about which player suggestions would alter the experience too far in any given direction is part of our responsibility as the dev team.

The key information I don't have for you right now is a release date. The team is small but mighty and is focused on implementing those final bits, but that's the focus: Get this over the finish line with as much polish as we can muster. We have target dates and windows we'd like to hit, of course, but it's still a little early; I'll let you know when I have a date I can share. Until then, how about another gaming classic: When It's Done!™

Until then, keep playing, and a sincere thank you for all the support. It's because of your enthusiastic involvement that we've made it this far this fast; we launched in September 2023, so it's only been about six months in early access, and the progress made has been phenomenal. We'll continue to monitor for feedback (even if we don't respond, we do read) as we head toward that big 1.0 milestone.

Thank you,
The Wizardry Team at Digital Eclipse
DanAmrich: Hey all. If you've been on this journey with us, you probably noticed that the 0.4 update included a ton of big features like full animation sets and original music -- stuff that feels suspiciously like we're getting toward the end of the early access period. That's for good reason! Throughout this process, we've tried to post roadmaps with what changes you can expect for the next big update, but now we're focused on bugs, polish, and those last-mile tasks that every team must accomplish to bring a game to 1.0 status.
That's great!

I've held off of many EA acquisitions because a number never reached full release... or did so without being a "complete" experience. Your hard work and dedication will get a sale from me.

Hope the game might go on sale (again) prior to 1.0.
Post edited April 17, 2024 by kai2
high rated
kai2: Hope the game might go on sale (again) prior to 1.0.
As noted way back in September's original FAQ, the price may well go up before final release. So...uh, it might kind of already be on sale. :)
DanAmrich: Hey all. If you've been on this journey with us, you probably noticed that the 0.4 update included a ton of big features like full animation sets and original music -- stuff that feels suspiciously like we're getting toward the end of the early access period. That's for good reason! Throughout this process, we've tried to post roadmaps with what changes you can expect for the next big update, but now we're focused on bugs, polish, and those last-mile tasks that every team must accomplish to bring a game to 1.0 status.

Does this mean perfection awaits? Almost certainly not! There's a high chance there will still be bugs, if only because humans make games and humans make mistakes and therefore humans make mistakes in games. We hope you'll continue to help us track them down as you have for the last several months because, like you, we don't want glitches getting in the way of the fun.

And while you align your expectations, it's worth noting that we received a ton of suggestions for features, upgrades, and revisions over the last several months, but not all of them are feasible here. As much as we've wanted to add quality-of-life improvements to this game, we also do not want to fundamentally change what Wizardry: PGMO is. The line between preserving gaming history and making a game fun and accessible to modern players can be a pretty fine one at times; inevitably, tinkering with a classic goes too far for some and not enough for others. So if your suggestion isn't implemented, please don't assume "the devs didn't listen" or "the devs don't care" -- we listened, we discussed internally, and oh my goodness yes we care a tremendous amount about both the game's integrity and player satisfaction. It's subjective by nature, but making decisions about which player suggestions would alter the experience too far in any given direction is part of our responsibility as the dev team.

The key information I don't have for you right now is a release date. The team is small but mighty and is focused on implementing those final bits, but that's the focus: Get this over the finish line with as much polish as we can muster. We have target dates and windows we'd like to hit, of course, but it's still a little early; I'll let you know when I have a date I can share. Until then, how about another gaming classic: When It's Done!™

Until then, keep playing, and a sincere thank you for all the support. It's because of your enthusiastic involvement that we've made it this far this fast; we launched in September 2023, so it's only been about six months in early access, and the progress made has been phenomenal. We'll continue to monitor for feedback (even if we don't respond, we do read) as we head toward that big 1.0 milestone.

Thank you,
The Wizardry Team at Digital Eclipse
I'm very happy with the balance your team has reached between accessibility and preserving the old school gameplay as of 0.4. Kudos to all of you for your hard work. I know some people may feel that the price for this game is high, however I do not agree. It feels like the right price for a wonderful but niche game. Since this is just the first game though, the Early Access price should remain the full retail price. Here's hoping that Wizardry 2 and 3 follow shortly!
Post edited April 30, 2024 by vulchor
kai2: Hope the game might go on sale (again) prior to 1.0.
DanAmrich: As noted way back in September's original FAQ, the price may well go up before final release. So...uh, it might kind of already be on sale. :)
I've been excited about your game since EA launch and was simply waiting to make sure you finished it prior to purchasing... and... I did hope that you would have another discount prior to full release that looked similar to your initial EA release discount. But...

... was dismayed by your reply.

Instead of something like: "we've put a lot of work into the game and we're sorry but we can't really offer a discount at this time" (that may have been disappointing but I could have understood and the matter would have been over)...

... you responded with "So...uh, it might kind of already be on sale. :)"

I'm an older gamer, one old enough to have played the original, and I do not appreciate your choice of response. Whether you meant for it to be snide or not, it was. As a fan I didn't deserve that. (again, I showed how you could have easily responded without insulting me)

You have lost a sale and a fan. I do hope as a Community Manager, you learn how to more professionally interact with your community.
high rated
kai2: You have lost a sale and a fan. I do hope as a Community Manager, you learn how to more professionally interact with your community.
They did.

You are being weird.
high rated
DanAmrich: As noted way back in September's original FAQ, the price may well go up before final release. So...uh, it might kind of already be on sale. :)
kai2: I've been excited about your game since EA launch and was simply waiting to make sure you finished it prior to purchasing... and... I did hope that you would have another discount prior to full release that looked similar to your initial EA release discount.
Many Early Access games are sold cheaper than the planned 1.0 price, so they are essentially discounted, even without the discount label. There's nothing unusual here.
kai2: But...

... was dismayed by your reply.

Instead of something like: "we've put a lot of work into the game and we're sorry but we can't really offer a discount at this time" (that may have been disappointing but I could have understood and the matter would have been over)...

... you responded with "So...uh, it might kind of already be on sale. :)"

I'm an older gamer, one old enough to have played the original, and I do not appreciate your choice of response. Whether you meant for it to be snide or not, it was. As a fan I didn't deserve that. (again, I showed how you could have easily responded without insulting me)

You have lost a sale and a fan. I do hope as a Community Manager, you learn how to more professionally interact with your community.
There was absolutely nothing wrong with DanAmrich's reply.