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I can't find a list of keyboard commands anywhere. Maybe Digital Eclipse planned to roll this out if and when they add in a feature to change your commands. In the absence of a list anywhere I have provided mine below.

Keyboard commands that I know (as of version 0.3.1):

Maze commands:
A-W-D: Left-Forward-Right
S: Back up a step without changing direction you are facing
Arrow Keys: Alternative to ASWD
F: Alternative to W (forward)
Q-E: Strafe left-Strafe Right
Space: Open door or other interaction with objects like stairs and signs
M: Original Apple II graphics (toggles to lower left, center, and off)
C, Left Shift, or Right Shift: Camp
Left CTRL: Show last Dumapic. Apparently this option is only available if you have cast Dumapic earlier on this level.
F11: Toggle windowed mode and full screen

Camp commands:
L or Z: Leave camp and return to maze
C, Left Shift, or Right Shift: Option to add characters found in the maze (as a result of party wipes or intentionally left there)
Arrow keys: Choose character (one is always highlighted in the Camp screen)
Enter: Character options for selected character (one is always highlighted in the Camp screen)
F11: Toggle windowed mode and full screen (same as in Maze mode)

Combat commands:
F: Fight
P: Parry (Defend)
S: Spell casting
Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys: Selection of battle commands
L or Z: Last, meaning go back one character to reenter their command
Left CTRL: Quick Fight-Fight-Fight-Parry-Parry-Parry. Apparently not yet customizable to make variations like replacing the 3 Parry with Inspect commands.
Left ALT: Toggles Beastiary for the enemies in the current battle only
M: Original Apple II graphics (toggles to lower left, center, and off) (same as Maze mode)
Left Shift or Right Shift: Toggles enemy health bars

Hope that helps others.