It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

- If you have a lot of money, the save slot displays negative gold
- if you open inventory then hover over the key list (e.g., statuette of the frog), you can move cursor up and down the list of keys, and can click/press ENTER on a key to give a key to a party member or discard a key
- if you have the mouse cursor hovering over where a button will appear (e.g., "Take Back" button in combat), it may steal the keystroke (e.g., ENTER intended to click "Fight"). Should probably hide mouse cursor when working via keyboard
- If you camp, then go into "Items" for a character, then change to spells (e.g., priest spells for Latumofis to cure posion), then cast the spell on a party member, afterward the tab resets to the Items tab. This is really inconvenient if you want to repeatedly cast a spell (cure or healing) on party members - it should return to the tab where you chose the spell.

Overall, this patch appears to give much better behavior for loot consistently appearing in my inventory!
Post edited November 14, 2023 by kbutler42