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During loading screens, I've been seeing a note pop up about how if you linger on a floor too long, you'll find fewer enemies and loot. Does anybody have any insight into what this mechanic is and how it works? Is it how long you spend on a floor in a given expedition? Across the game? How is time measured? Based on movement? Based on real time?

Because it seems like a terrible mechanic for a game like this, a large part of which is grinding for money to pay for resurrecting/de-paralyzing/etc characters, or hunting for item upgrades, or bringing a new character up to speed.

Wizardry is *not* a game where blazing through floors as fast as possible is all that feasible. Trying to push players to do so by making earlier floors sparse just strikes me as a bad idea. The game is frustrating enough as it is. No point in making it even more so.

And yes, I'm aware of grinding on Murphy's Ghost. But that's *boring*. If I'm going to grind, I'd rather do so by fighting a variety of enemies, some of whom drop chests and give me opportunities for loot upgrades.
Post edited October 11, 2023 by archolewa
When you arrive on a floor, there are what I've been calling "placed" encounters, where if you step on a certain square, you will most likely get into a fight. (Note that, in classic Wizardry, encounters tend to be placed in rooms rather than floors; rooms are normally separated by walls and doors, with Wizardry 2's cave floor being an exception.) Now, these particular fights have a couple properties that are worth noting:
* Only these encounters will drop treasure chests. (Well, there is the level 4 alarm, where if you go north, the fight that results will yield a chest, and the Monster Allocation Center fight also drops a chest IIRC.) Other fights will not yield chests or items; all you'll get is money depending on the monster formation.
* These encounters don't respawn until you leave the floor. They do, however, respawn if you leave the floor and come back. Quitting the game and reloading might also trigger these respawnsm as well,

So, the hint really refers to the fact that you can exhaust the chests on the floor by killing these encounters, at which point you'll want to leave the floor and come back to reset everything.

(Incidentally, this mechanic even affects Wizardry 4, though in that case *all* enemies stay dead until you leave the floor or reload.)
dtgreene: When you arrive on a floor, there are what I've been calling "placed" encounters, where if you step on a certain square, you will most likely get into a fight. (Note that, in classic Wizardry, encounters tend to be placed in rooms rather than floors; rooms are normally separated by walls and doors, with Wizardry 2's cave floor being an exception.) Now, these particular fights have a couple properties that are worth noting:
* Only these encounters will drop treasure chests. (Well, there is the level 4 alarm, where if you go north, the fight that results will yield a chest, and the Monster Allocation Center fight also drops a chest IIRC.) Other fights will not yield chests or items; all you'll get is money depending on the monster formation.
* These encounters don't respawn until you leave the floor. They do, however, respawn if you leave the floor and come back. Quitting the game and reloading might also trigger these respawnsm as well,

So, the hint really refers to the fact that you can exhaust the chests on the floor by killing these encounters, at which point you'll want to leave the floor and come back to reset everything.

(Incidentally, this mechanic even affects Wizardry 4, though in that case *all* enemies stay dead until you leave the floor or reload.)
I'm aware of all this, but I'm finding the fixed encounter rate INCREDIBLY stingy in this version, which is what prompted my question. Maybe that's just a quirk of the Apple II version, but I could easily wander around the entire first floor, and get maybe 1 or 2 fixed encounters. Meanwhile, in the Ultimate Archives version, that number would be more like 8-10 or so.
Post edited October 30, 2023 by archolewa
dtgreene: When you arrive on a floor, there are what I've been calling "placed" encounters, where if you step on a certain square, you will most likely get into a fight. (Note that, in classic Wizardry, encounters tend to be placed in rooms rather than floors; rooms are normally separated by walls and doors, with Wizardry 2's cave floor being an exception.) Now, these particular fights have a couple properties that are worth noting:
* Only these encounters will drop treasure chests. (Well, there is the level 4 alarm, where if you go north, the fight that results will yield a chest, and the Monster Allocation Center fight also drops a chest IIRC.) Other fights will not yield chests or items; all you'll get is money depending on the monster formation.
* These encounters don't respawn until you leave the floor. They do, however, respawn if you leave the floor and come back. Quitting the game and reloading might also trigger these respawnsm as well,

So, the hint really refers to the fact that you can exhaust the chests on the floor by killing these encounters, at which point you'll want to leave the floor and come back to reset everything.

(Incidentally, this mechanic even affects Wizardry 4, though in that case *all* enemies stay dead until you leave the floor or reload.)
Great info, thank you. I had the same Q as the OP