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Game looks great and excited to see it come out today.

My first bug is related to characters. Like many, I like to clear out the starter characters and make my own. I was able to do that and start out with 6 characters. I entered the dungeon and got into my first fight. Once it ended, my characters disappeared and were replaced by the starter group. It looks like it might have still had the starter group stored somehow even though I deleted them from the roster.

Hope that helps figure out what's going on!
I encountered the same bug - I was able to create my custom characters, add them to my party, then head into the maze and had a first encounter. About halfway through the encounter, my entire party switched to the default party. Back in town, my custom characters were gone. I tried again, creating my custom characters and this time deleted the default characters, however the same issue occurred.

Looking forward to really getting into this game, I hope the devs find this description of the issue helpful!

As an aside anybody know how to save the game? Is it autosave? I couldn't find the option in the main menu, just "resume", "settings" and "quit".
Thank you both -- this is on the bug list.
KadeGoldha: As an aside anybody know how to save the game? Is it autosave? I couldn't find the option in the main menu, just "resume", "settings" and "quit".
The game constantly autosaves, which is nice if you need to quit suddenly, but not nice if something bad happens and you'd prefer to reload. This autosave is more aggressive than in other versions, even saving in the middle of the round.

(In another thread, I posted a suggestion to allow save backups. In the meantime, I can just copy saves for a serious playthrough, or write-protect the save file for experimentation.)

By the way, I'm curious what would happen if the bug is triggered after the starting party has been wiped out.
Post edited September 16, 2023 by dtgreene
SirDragoon: Game looks great and excited to see it come out today.

My first bug is related to characters. Like many, I like to clear out the starter characters and make my own. I was able to do that and start out with 6 characters. I entered the dungeon and got into my first fight. Once it ended, my characters disappeared and were replaced by the starter group. It looks like it might have still had the starter group stored somehow even though I deleted them from the roster.

Hope that helps figure out what's going on!
Ran into this issue as well, although it wasn't with my first battle, but after a character had died and I resurrected them at the Temple of Cant. After that I entered the maze and the party was replaced with the default characters (I had also deleted them). I then went back out of the maze to check the Training Grounds (my characters were gone of course) and when I left the maze the initial Welcome screen came up and it was like the game had completely reset itself.

I then went into total old school mode and was unable to replicate the issue. But discovered a couple more issues:

1) During character creation, there is no Lord or Ninja option in the class list. Perhaps they aren't implemented yet?

2) After a total party wipe I made a throw away character to retrieve the wiped party and there doesn't seem to be an option to Search the dungeon for bodies. Tried everything on the controller and no dice. Also not implemented yet?

Best bonus roll so far in classic character creation is a 27. Made a Samurai with 16 HP off the bat. Nice! =)

FlynnArrowstarr: 1) During character creation, there is no Lord or Ninja option in the class list. Perhaps they aren't implemented yet?

Best bonus roll so far in classic character creation is a 27. Made a Samurai with 16 HP off the bat. Nice! =)

That's because you can't actually create one; it's impossible to roll enough bonus points to do so.

The max roll is 29, and you'd need, I believe, 33 points to create a lord.

With that said, if you get a bonus point roll this good, you can create the character as some other class (I like Mage for the extra spells you get), level them up a bit, allocate bonus stats appropriately, and change the character into a Lord. (The options for Lord and Ninja do appear on the class change screen.)

By the way, a Samurai will get as many HP as a Cleric of one level higher. So, when your Samurai reaches level 2, they will get the HP roll that a 3rd level Cleric would get. This gives them an HP advantage early on, but will later be passed by Fighters and even (due to leveling speed differences) Clerics (though the latter after the level at which the game is easily winnable).
dtgreene: That's because you can't actually create one; it's impossible to roll enough bonus points to do so.

The max roll is 29, and you'd need, I believe, 33 points to create a lord.

With that said, if you get a bonus point roll this good, you can create the character as some other class (I like Mage for the extra spells you get), level them up a bit, allocate bonus stats appropriately, and change the character into a Lord. (The options for Lord and Ninja do appear on the class change screen.)

By the way, a Samurai will get as many HP as a Cleric of one level higher. So, when your Samurai reaches level 2, they will get the HP roll that a 3rd level Cleric would get. This gives them an HP advantage early on, but will later be passed by Fighters and even (due to leveling speed differences) Clerics (though the latter after the level at which the game is easily winnable).
I guess it's been too long since I last played the originals, lol. I've been playing Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls, which does show all the classes at creation even though you can never get a Lord or Ninja at the beginning. Went back and did character creation in the DOS version and it only shows classes you can actually pick based on the stats.

Wizardry: The Five Ordeals also only shows classes you can pick based on the current stats at character creation, so it acts more like the originals. It does have an alternate character creation mode that allows you to select any class at creation, but you will be woefully under powered as a Ninja with the basic bonus points.

No matter how the original game handled these things, I think it would be nice if you could see all the possible classes, including requirements and description, right from the start. That way you can decide if it's worth switching your fighter into a lord later and you know which attributes you need to raise.
ludgerarnold: No matter how the original game handled these things, I think it would be nice if you could see all the possible classes, including requirements and description, right from the start. That way you can decide if it's worth switching your fighter into a lord later and you know which attributes you need to raise.
I'd rather change a Mage into a Lord.

Going Fighter to Lord results in a Lord with nothing carrying over from the previous class, other than a head start on HP (which doesn't last due to the way HP growth works).

Going Priest to Lord results in a Lord who has a (smaller) head start on HP, and who keeps existing spells. However, bonus spell points (in excess of 1 per spell known) and higher level spells will still be gained at the Lord's schedule. (So, a change at level 11 will allow you level 6 spells right from the start, but getting level 7 spells will still require level 16 if you didn't get them first.)

Going Mage to Lord, on the other hand, will give you a Lord who can cast Mage spells, which isn't otherwise possible. (I recommend doing the class change at level 9 or 13.)
FIrst dungeon not specific to location, while looting I went immediately to the return to town/leave maze option and it emptied my party while saying key inventory in right side of window. I can add and remove people in the party, but I cannot go back to town or leave the menu to continue the game, its a essential a lock on gameplay. I also have two dead party members if that is somehow impacting my ability to leave the dungeon.

Edit: Sorry post went in wrong spot should have made new thread but cannot change now that I've posted.
Post edited September 18, 2023 by Lulzasaurus