Posted June 12, 2012
Played Wing Commander and Secret Missions on SNES as a kid, and Price of Freedom on the PS1. Always wondered what 2 and 3 were like. After 5 attempts of the third mission in wc2 (your fist mission out of the concordia - escort the bombers), I still can't come remotely close to beating it - I mean come on, escort two paper mache bombers against 8 kilrathi fighters with a rinky-dink security ship.
Is the rest of the game this challenging, or is it like wc1 with a few really tough missions but mostly pretty easy? Must say it was worth the almost 2-decade wait to get my hands on such a quality title!
Is the rest of the game this challenging, or is it like wc1 with a few really tough missions but mostly pretty easy? Must say it was worth the almost 2-decade wait to get my hands on such a quality title!