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Have I gone insane? I feel like I remember EA releasing the Kilrathi Saga version of the first Wing Commander and Secret Missions packs for free online right around the time Privateer went up on GOG, but I've been searching for an hour and I can't find any evidence that any such thing happened. I'm almost positive I downloaded it onto my old dead computer at the time. I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. Does anyone know where I can find it?
Post edited August 12, 2011 by theproofreader
*twilight zone themesong*
theproofreader: Does anyone know where I can find it?
Try "Wing Commander Combat Information Center" (found it here)... :-)

BTW If it's free GOG should have it here... for free, right? ;-)
Post edited August 12, 2011 by TPR
Thank you very much; I thought I was going to spontaneously combust.

And, yes, I am mildly baffled that it's not available here. I wonder if EA suddenly going into digital downloads on their own store has halted some of their plans here.
Post edited August 12, 2011 by theproofreader
It will be here soon.
Vagabond: It will be here soon.
With both "The Secret Missions" expansions? Maybe "The Kilrathi Saga"?! I hope so... :-D
If GOG brought The Kilrathi Saga, and somehow included the "Secret Missions" (and the "Secret Operations" for the 2nd WC), I'd help advertise for free any way I could. The first two WC's were some of the best games ever made.
But the KS versions were buggy and sloppy. I could barley get through a mission without the music endlessly looping on a note. And WC2KS suffers some rather ridiculous graphical issues. And very unstable. The dos versions are so much easier to get working on modern systems, as dosbox is a lot more stable. The only draw back is people should know a little dos, but that should be expected for dos games, and GOG tries to make it easy.
Post edited August 25, 2011 by herecomethe2000
theproofreader: Have I gone insane? I feel like I remember EA releasing the Kilrathi Saga version of the first Wing Commander and Secret Missions packs for free online right around the time Privateer went up on GOG, but I've been searching for an hour and I can't find any evidence that any such thing happened. I'm almost positive I downloaded it onto my old dead computer at the time. I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. Does anyone know where I can find it?
The KS versions of the Secret Missions and Special Operations will not work with the GOG release because they are the DOS versions of WC1-2. They were freely distributed after the release of KS.